Changes in Coverage of Preventive and Promotive Interventions before and After Introducing Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) in Ethiopia

Objectives: Measure coverage of maternal and child health preventive and promotive interventions before and after scaling up ICCM.
Methods: We conducted cross-sectional, population-based, household coverage surveys in 2,560 households across four IFHP target regions (Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Tigray) in 2011 when ICCM was initially implemented in 6% of health posts, and again in 2013 when ICCM was expanded to 90% of health posts.
Results: Coverage increased in 10 of 15 indicators, mainly for maternal, immunization and nutrition services– pregnant women with>4 antenatal care visits 16.6 to 41.3%, antenatal iron and foliate 39.1 to71.7%, infants 0-11 months, infants 0-5 months exclusively breastfed 57.7 to 79.2%, children 12-23 months fully vaccinated 77 to 86.4%,children 6-23 months starting complementary feeding at 6 months 60.8 to75.4%, and women 15-49 years currently using any family planning method 44 to53.9%.Three other indicators remained high and unchanged (bed net ownership 80.9 to 81.6%, children sleeping under bed nets 72.9 to 71.4 %) and latrine use 71.6 to 70%). Two indicators decreased (mothers of children 0-11 months received tetanus toxoid 77.4 to 69.7%, and HH with >2 bed nets 64-55.1%).
Conclusion: Scale-up of ICCM was consistent with increased coverage of most preventative and promotive interventions, which may contribute to the life-saving effect of ICCM.
Learning Areas:
Provision of health care to the publicLearning Objectives:
Compare coverage of maternal and child health preventive and promotive interventions before and after scale up of ICCM.
Keyword(s): Community-Based Health, Case Management
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a medical doctor and have served as the technical director for child health and nutrition on this USAID funded project.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.