A structural equation model of job and professional leaving among newly licensed registered nurses

Methods: A model of the relationships between personal characteristics, work environment issues (such as workload, schedules, orientation preparation, job demands, difficulties and control), job satisfaction, intent to leave the job and intent to leave the profession was developed using the bivariate and multivariate literature. Structural equation modeling (AMOS program) was used to test the model with data from a survey of NLRNs. Job demands, difficulties and control, intent to leave the job, and intent to leave the profession were treated as latent variables. A number of direct, indirect, and mediating relationships were examined.
Results: The measurement models for all latent variables were validated. After modifying the initial structural model for better fit, the final model showed a strong relationship between job demands, difficulties and control and job satisfaction. Job control mediated job difficulties, while job demands and difficulties had a reciprocal relationship. Job satisfaction was related to intent to leave the job (but not directly to intent to leave the profession). Intent to leave the job affected intent to leave the profession. There were no direct relationships between work environment and intent to leave the job or profession.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the process of an NLRN intending to leave the job and profession involves a number of mediators between the work environment and this intent. Job control and job satisfaction are key mediators between other work environment factors and intent to leave the job, while intent to leave the job is a precursor to intent to leave the profession, and mediates between job satisfaction and it. These results provide indications that work environment strongly affects job satisfaction, which, in turn, influences intent to leave the job, and through that, intent to leave the profession. In order to keep NLRNs in their jobs and profession, work environment factors affecting job satisfaction must be addressed.
Learning Areas:
Administration, management, leadershipOccupational health and safety
Public health or related nursing
Systems thinking models (conceptual and theoretical models), applications related to public health
Learning Objectives:
Assess a structural equation model of job and professional leaving among newly licensed RNs.
Identify predictors and mediators of job and professional intent to leave.
Keyword(s): Nurses/Nursing, Workforce
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Lynn Y. Unruh is Professor of Health Services Administration in the Department of Health Management and Informatics at the University of Central Florida. A nurse and health economist, Dr Unruh's research focuses on healthcare workforce and quality issues at the micro and macro level. She has written numerous papers on the impacts of healthcare work environments on nursing and patient outcomes.
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