Establishing effective roles to achieve public health priorities
Establishing effective roles to achieve public health priorities

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Our national public health system is facing unprecedented resource constraints. There are many projects, programs, and other interventions taking place at local and state levels. Many of these efforts have been asked to do more with less, further compounding challenges faced by the growing burden of planned and unplanned public health issues. This results in difficulties achieving the mission of public health organizations. This presentation will provide a framework for analyzing specific roles that public health leaders tend to adopt (for example, in driving research, leading surveillance, funding interventions, translating knowledge into practice, convening groups, influencing behind the scenes, and others). It will highlight how to manage balancing across multiple roles, while also supporting how to identify a manageable number of roles that can be used to achieve impact in public health.
Learning Areas:
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programsAdministration, management, leadership
Program planning
Learning Objectives:
Compare specific roles and functions that public health leaders can play in implementing strategies
Discuss various scenarios that would lead public health leaders to select one role or function over others
Identify how organizational capabilities can inform the decision to select certain roles or functions, and discuss implications for program management
Keyword(s): Management, Planning
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Not Answered
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