Center for Health and Successful Living – A model for a student-led, University-based hub for cancer control

Description: Toward that end, the University of Toledo (Toledo Ohio) has developed a new Center for Health and Successful Living that uses a community hub model based on the three levels of prevention. The hub model features a community-building approach by establishing project teams comprised of breast cancer survivors, students, and faculty members. The current focus of these project teams is cancer risk reduction and improved survivorship.
Lessons Learned: This community-based participatory approach has proven to be effective. Students were actively engaged in needs assessment, program planning, implementation, program evaluation, grant writing, and the creation of culturally appropriate health education methods and materials. From April 1 to December 31, 2013, 25 students and six faculty members from many disciplines were involved. The Center trained eight African American breast cancer survivors to serve as breast health mentors. Those 8 women reached 139 African American women with risk reduction education. The Center was involved in 37 community events and reached 1,850 individuals with breast health education. The Center provided 95 low cost mammograms and 105 clinical breast exams.
Recommendation: This model provides benefit to the university by attracting and retaining high quality students. It provides benefit to the community by empowering grass-roots citizens to take control of their health while providing low cost prevention services. This model is reproducible with other chronic conditions.
Learning Areas:
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programsAdministration, management, leadership
Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs
Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs
Program planning
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the application of the ecological model to prevent and control cancer
Discuss the benefits of grassroots approach to health education and public health
Discuss the benefits of community collaboration for health education and public health strategies
Discuss the benefits to the community of having a University-based hub model for disease prevention and management
Discuss the how to use a University-based hub model for health education to create an environment for experiential learning for their students
Keyword(s): Health Disparities/Inequities, Cancer and Women’s Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a PhD student in Health Education at the University of Toledo. My graduate assistantship is in the role of Business Manager for the Center for Health and Successful Living. In my GA role I assist with writing grants, performing community outreach and supervising interns. I also manage the day to day activities of the Center, under the supervision of two professors who serve as the Center co-Directors.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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