Analyzing How Domains of Social Support Vary Among Pregnant Women from Different Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds

Methods: Telephone interviews were completed before 21 weeks gestation with pregnant women (N=393) who self-selected into a longitudinal study examining maternal and infant outcomes among primarily low-income women receiving care at clinics across Illinois. Race and ethnicity were self-identified. The Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey measured four subscales of support: emotional-informational, tangible, affectionate, and positive social interaction. SPSS was used for the analysis. Descriptive statistics were used for sample demographics. ANCOVA was used to examine social support controlling for maternal age, presence of a partner, and income.
Results: Hispanic women had significantly lower overall support scores and lower emotional-informational and affectionate domain scores compared to Non-Hispanic White women (p<.05). Non-Hispanic Black women had significantly lower affectionate domain scores compared to Non-Hispanic White women (p=.007).
Conclusions: This analysis found significant differences in the overall availability of social support as well as several domains of support among women from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Potential links between income and presence of a partner were also identified. Additional research examining the different subscales of social support is needed to increase understanding of how different types of women perceive the availability of various domains of support.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchSocial and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Discuss how available domains of social support vary among pregnant women from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Identify four subscales of social support.
Keyword(s): Women's Health, Reproductive Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: The content from this abstract is from the capstone project I completed before earning my Master of Public Health degree. I developed the research question and theoretical framework for this project. The analysis was completed under the guidance of an adviser who is also listed as an author. This was done to ensure sound research methodologies were used.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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