Accreditation of private sector health facilities for provision of Comprehensive Abortion Care Services: A new initiative of the state government of Bihar, India

Methods: This paper highlights the implementation experience of the first two years of the accreditation program in terms of creating safe access to poor women at private sector facilities. We collected both quantitative (service statistics and client exit interviews) and qualitative data (in-depth interviews).
Results: A total of 49 private facilities accredited by the state provided abortion services to 10,700 women during the first two years of the program. Overall, 53% of beneficiaries reported holding a “Below the Poverty Line” card, while 71% had low living standard. The majority of women reported satisfaction (90%) with their care, while 68% perceived good quality of services. Providers and stakeholders uniformly highlighted the process of reimbursement as the major bottleneck of the public private partnership, although overall satisfaction with the program was high.
Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that public-private partnerships are a viable and promising strategy for increasing access to affordable safe abortion services to poor women. Outcome of this study has major policy implications in terms of influencing other states and countries to capitalize the strength of public-private partnership to eradicate the consequences of unsafe abortion.
Learning Areas:
Provision of health care to the publicPublic health or related public policy
Learning Objectives:
Assess the efficacy of public-private-partnerships to ensure safe abortion care through an accreditation model
Keyword(s): Accreditation, Abortion
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the principal investigator of this research.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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