Social Determinates of HPV Vaccination Delay: Results from the National Immunization Survey of Teens

Methods: Using data from 2011 United States National Immunization Survey-Teen data, a nationally representative sample detailing vaccination coverage in United States, we examined social disparities in reasons for delaying vaccination among parents who opted not to vaccinate their child against HPV.
Results: Our results reveal notable racial and ethnic variations in reasons for vaccine delay. African American parents (OR=1.20; CI= 1.03-1.39) displayed greater odds of reporting that the delay in initiation was because the vaccine was not needed in comparison to their non-Hispanic white counterparts. Parents who were Hispanic (OR=1.39; CI= 1.11-1.72), Black (OR=1.49; CI= 1.19-1.85), or other race (OR=1.43; CI= 1.13-1.80) all displayed significantly higher odds of reporting that a lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine was the primary barrier to vaccination in comparison to non-Hispanic whites. Our results show few socioeconomic variations in reasons for HPV vaccination delay among the adolescents in our sample. Gender variations in reasons for delay were overwhelmingly due to a lack of recommendation.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that racial and ethnic disparities in vaccine uptake may be due to a lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine, rather than general concerns about vaccine safety or beliefs about teen sexual activity.
Learning Areas:
EpidemiologySocial and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Discuss links between social characteristics and reasons for HPV vaccination delay
Keyword(s): Adolescents, Sexual Risk Behavior
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been conducting research on health disparities for over ten years and have published numerous peer reviewed articles on sexual health.
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