Local needs, local data: An analysis of the potential for data integration and geospatial techniques to improve community health

CFMC, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Colorado, drives quality improvement initiatives through community engagement. The Data Liberacion project demonstrates how Federal and local data sources might be aligned and used to support collective action for health improvement.
This presentation will describe one community’s local data integration efforts and the use of geospatial techniques to highlight practical ways integrated data can be used to target activities for community health improvement.
Interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of stakeholders from county and federal agencies. Interviews captured previous and current attempts to integrate data for local initiatives, desired access to additional data, and perceptions of high-value application of integration efforts. A network analysis was created to portray commonly requested data and relationships between agencies. This information, along with interview findings, was used to inform data to include in the geospatial application in order to develop a targeted intervention in the community.
The interviews revealed a desire to have data available at the smallest level of geography, ideally the individual level. Cost and utilization data were most commonly requested, including Medicare and Medicaid claims data, and services provided through County Housing and Human Services and other providers. Participants offered ideas about how information could be merged to target resources, reduce replication of services, identify utilization patterns, and better match additional services to the needs of the local population.
Stakeholders in this county had specific ideas as to how integrated data could be used. The network analysis demonstrated which data sources were most requested, providing direction for future integration efforts. This community applied information from this process to develop an initiative to micro-target specific census tracts that have been identified as areas of need. This is indicative of the potential for integrated data to improve local-level efficiency and population health.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchLearning Objectives:
Identify types and sources of data commonly requested by local agencies.
Explain the application of geospatial techniques in illustrating areas of need.
Describe ways local agencies can use integrated data and mapping findings to target resources and services.
Keyword(s): Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Community-Based Partnership & Collaboration
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I was involved with multiple programs seeking to increase collaboration among various agencies to align services, including as the Principal Investigator for evaluation of a program to integrate services for families involved in the Denver child welfare, substance abuse treatment, and criminal justice systems. On the Data Liberacion project, I analyzed key informant interviews and reported results. I was involved with programs using available data to assess local needs and target services to local populations.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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