Data driven approaches to place-based strategies for preventing violence and promoting social emotional wellness

In 2012, Gilroy, California was selected as a priority community for violence prevention strategies in Santa Clara County. The city of 48,821 is geographically and economically isolated at the southern end of the county. Majority population is Hispanic (58%) with disproportionately poor health outcomes and disparities in social and economic indicators, including education, income, and crime. Santa Clara County received CDC Small Communities Transformation Grant to improve health outcomes in Gilroy, including addressing issues of violence prevention and social-emotional wellness.
Data from the County’s Neighborhood Profiles 2012, Crime Report 2012, California Healthy Kids Survey 2009-10, and 129 surveys of residents surrounding Gilroy’s San Ysidro Park were used in a two-step process to (1) inform place-based strategies, and (2) engage stakeholders and residents in implementation of the strategies.
Data driven inter-agency approach to violence prevention planning resulted in a geographically and socio-culturally focused effort that has enabled effective tailored interventions and concentrated resources. Crime data is used to monitor trends in local crime incidents and effectiveness of interventions. Through increasing community cohesion and engagement opportunities, a post-intervention resident survey around the park demonstrated increased participation in recreation activities and improved perceptions of community safety and pride.
Using data and neighborhood-level engagement in high crime areas can contribute to identifying and implementing effective violence prevention/reduction, health promotion strategies. Examples of targeted implementation strategies developed by strong inter-agency collaboration among public health, city parks and recreation, schools, law enforcement and community-based agencies increased the use of San Ysidro Park in Gilroy, California.
Learning Areas:
Program planningLearning Objectives:
Describe how data and mapping tools can be used to inform planning for place-based violence prevention efforts.
Identify how violence prevention strategies can be tailored to specific communities through the implementation of the CDC Community Transformation Grant – Small Communities and interagency collaboration.
Keyword(s): Violence & Injury Prevention, Community Health Planning
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the lead manager on the development and implementation of the violence prevention program for the Public Health Department since its inception.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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