Development of a Public-Private Resiliency Partnership to Ensure Timely Emergency Prophylaxis of a Dynamic Urban Population: The New Orleans CRI/SNS Framework

Methods: Extensive outreach, based off existing hurricane preparedness partnerships, to employers and others with a significant geographical, economic, or employee footprint was conducted to build a closed POD program.
Results: Estimated average daily population is 400,000. Without current closed POD partnerships, our burden of operating open PODs to prophylax the target population could reach 20 clinics (throughput 500/hr). When factoring in closed POD partnerships, this burden decreases to approximately two closed PODs. In number of population serviced by open PODs, this represents a hypothetical decrease of over 350,000 to below 25,000.
Conclusion: These partnerships are beneficial to both the municipality and business and can lead to stronger collaboration in other aspects of preparedness. Further, it has become evident from our outreach programs that these stakeholders are eager to increase their involvement and this framework is a strong example of how to build robust engagement at the local level. We conclude that public-private partnerships are critical in ensuring that mass prophylaxis frameworks in highly vulnerable and densely populated areas are realistic as well as in creating a more resilient city.
Learning Areas:
Program planningProtection of the public in relation to communicable diseases including prevention or control
Learning Objectives:
Design a framework on which the City of New Orleans can deliver emergency prophylaxis to the population-at-risk following a CBRN incident and SNS deployment. Evaluate how the development of a closed POD partner program can significantly decrease the number of required open PODs and population that must be serviced through these general PODs, ultimately leading to more efficient dispensing to the entire city. Demonstrate how robust, mutually-beneficial public-private partnerships can increase comprehensive multi-jurisdictional resiliency.
Keyword(s): Emergency Preparedness, Bioterrorism
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: N/A
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: As the former Planning Section Chief and current Public Health Preparedness coordinator, I served as the primary planner in developing this framework.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.