Deca-BDE concentrations in pine and cedar needles are correlated with land application of treated sewage sludge

Methods: We collected pine and eastern cedar needles within 1.5 km of sites where TSS from municipalities A&B was land-applied and comparison areas more than 8 km from application sites. We determined concentrations of BDE-209 using GC/MS. Linear regression was used to evaluate relationships between concentrations of BDE-209 and proximity to houses, businesses, and quantities of TSS applied considering weather conditions during and following application.
Results: BDE-209 concentrations in TSS grab samples were three orders of magnitude higher in municipality A than B. Mean BDE-209 concentrations in needle samples were 7.32 ng/g near sludge application sites and 7.58 in comparison areas. In areas near municipality B application, BDE-209 concentrations were related to the number of buildings within 100 m (R2=0.11) but not to sludge application. Near municipality A application sites, BDE-209 concentrations were not related to the numbers of buildings but were elevated within 1.2 km of TSS application sites, considering the percent solids, application quantities, and weather conditions (R2=0.13).
Conclusions: Concentrations of Deca-BDE were elevated in pine needles samples near sites where TSS with high source concentrations was land-applied. This provides direct evidence that chemical contaminants from TSS land application can migrate into neighboring communities.
Learning Areas:
Environmental health sciencesEpidemiology
Public health or related organizational policy, standards, or other guidelines
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the potential for persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals to concentrate in treated sewage sludge.
Describe potential sources of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the environment.
Explain how pine needles can be used as passive samplers to estimate off-site migration of particles from land-applied sludge with sufficient concentrations of marker chemicals.
Keyword(s): Air Pollution & Respiratory Health, Rural Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am principle investigator of the NIEHS-funded Community Health Effects of Sewage Sludge study. I have taught environmental and occupational epidemiology for 25 years and published many peer-reviewed articles on topics related to rural health and land application of human and animal wastes.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.