Spatio-temporal trends of mortality by aggression in a central-western state of Venezuela

Study objective: Analyzing the spatio-temporal trends of mortality by aggression at parish level in a central-western state of Venezuela from 2000 to 2011.
Methods: We conducted a space-time analysis of mortality by aggression using mortality data recorded by the Health Ministry in Lara state. 7061 deaths by aggression, according to the ICD-10, in 58 parishes from 2000 to 2011 were studied. We used the spatial variation in temporal trends statistic for the detection of clusters with a trend that is higher or lower than the trend outside the cluster using the Discrete Poisson model. The identified clusters were analyzed for age, sex and other socioeconomic features.
Results: The analysis showed statistically significant clusters with more increasing mortality rates (p-value <0.01). The most likely cluster was localized in Bolívar parish within Morán municipality with 34.16% annual increase inside. Six secondary clusters were identified in other different parishes (9 parishes). A temporal cluster occurred from 2003 to 2004 in all parishes. Different points in time within parishes at which significant changes occurred in rates were detected.
Conclusion: Our findings highlight the increasing trend of mortality by aggression in a few parishes of Lara state. Most of them with rates in years prior to the study period, well below the currently existing. It clearly shows the need to intervention strategies aimed at reducing these preventable deaths.
Learning Areas:
EpidemiologyOther professions or practice related to public health
Learning Objectives:
Describe the benefits of spatiotemporal analysis in the assessment of trends in mortality by aggression. 2. Identify mortality by aggression as a public health problem in Venezuela. 3. Appreciate how to use the spatial variation in temporal trends statistic for the detection of health outcome clusters.
Keyword(s): Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Mortality
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the principal or co-principal of some projects focusing on the Geo-Spatial epidemiology of mortality by aggression and infectious diseases as leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. I am particularly interested in the application of geostatistics in the epidemiological analysis of various public health problems.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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