State preemption of smoke-free air laws are inhibiting adolescent and adult quitting behaviors

Methods: State laws (identified through CDC’s STATE System and NCI’s SCLD) were reviewed to determine full SFA preemption. Quitting-related data were obtained from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (adolescents/young adults, 1991-2011); the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (adults, 1991-2010); and the Current Population Survey-Tobacco Use Supplement (adults, 1992-2010). Dichotomous outcomes included quit attempts/ever quit and currently quit. Multivariate logistic regressions were conducted, controlling for state environment (other TC policies, TC spending, demographic/SES characteristics, tobacco growing); individual characteristics; state fixed effects (FEs); and year FEs/year trends.
Results: Full SFA preemption was associated with a 1.7% reduction (p<.05) in the probability of youths’ quitting but not associated with quit attempts (YRBS). Full SFA preemption was associated with a 1% reduction (p<.01) in adult quit attempts probability but not associated with ever quitting (BRFSS). Full SFA preemption was associated with a 2.5% decrease (p<.05) in adult quitting probability and 0.4% reduction in the probability of adult quit attempts (CPS-TUS).
Conclusions: Individuals in full SFA preemption states are less likely to attempt to/quit. Given that >480,000 deaths/year are attributable to cigarette smoking, repealing SFA preemption laws could increase quitting behaviors and reduce tobacco-related deaths by thousands.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related laws, regulations, standards, or guidelinesPublic health or related public policy
Public health or related research
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Identify how state smokefree-air preemption laws reduce the probability of youth and adult quitting-related behaviors.
Keyword(s): Tobacco Control, Policy/Policy Development
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I was the co-PI on the grant to conduct this study and oversaw the analysis presented herein. I have over 23 years' of public health policy analysis, research, and evaluation experience, including over 14 years' focused on tobacco control policy research.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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