Alternative tobacco product use among young adult bar patrons: A six city study

Smoking rates in the USA have declined in recent years, but this decline has not been geographically or demographically uniform, and the use of the alternative tobacco products has risen. We describe cigarette and alternative tobacco product (cigar, hookah, smokeless tobacco, snus, and electronic cigarettes) use among young adult bar patrons in six U.S. cities.
We employed time location sampling to randomly survey young adults, ages 18-26, (n=6,811) from six cities – Albuquerque, Nashville, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco and Tucson – to investigate prevalence rates and predictors of alternative tobacco product use and poly-tobacco use (use of more than 1 tobacco product for at least 3 of the past 30 days).
The use of alternative tobacco products varied by city and race/ethnicity. The most commonly used products were cigarettes, which ranged from 30.2% (Tucson) to 50.2% (San Francisco), hookah ranged from 14% (Nashville) to 37% (New York), and e-cigarette use which ranged from 10% (Nashville) to 24% (Albuquerque). In all cities, men were significantly more likely to use a combination of tobacco products (p<.05) than women, while Latinos in New York (OR: 1.75, CI: [1.3, 2.5]) and Non-Hispanic blacks in San Diego (OR: 2.42, CI: [1.1, 5.6]) were more likely than Non-Hispanic whites to be poly-tobacco users.
Bar-going young adults are at risk of alternative tobacco product use and poly-tobacco use, but the risk varies geographically and by race/ethnicity. High rates of hookah and e-cigarette use among non-white young adults warrant further investigation.
Learning Areas:
EpidemiologyPublic health or related research
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Explain differences in use of alternative tobacco products by geography and race/ethnicity.
Describe correlates of poly-tobacco use among young adults.
Keyword(s): Tobacco Use, Health Disparities/Inequities
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been an investigator on four population-based surveys examining topics related to tobacco use and other risk behaviors, health and chronic disease and have published several studies employing these data to investigate health and geographic disparities in tobacco-related disease, among other topics. I earned my PhD in Geography, focusing on place-based disparities in health outcomes, and my Masters in Public (Health) Policy.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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