Islam and contraception: Factors influencing contraceptive decision-making among urban Senegalese women

Methods: Data was collected from a nationally representative probability sample of 5,523 households. Exclusion criteria for analysis comprised women who had never heard of any contraceptive method, were pregnant or sterile at time of interview, and women who had never had sex (n=5930). Exposure to a religious/community leader the 12 months prior to interview was the primary predictor variable, and current contraceptive use was the outcome variable. Three logistic regression models examined this relationship, adjusting for both sociodemographic characteristics and religious social norms.
Results: Exposure to a religious or community leader speaking about family planning (FP) in the 12 months prior to interview was significantly associated with contraceptive use at the time of interview. Women who heard a religious/community leader speak positively about FP (OR: 1.61; p<0.001) and women who heard a religious/community leader speak negatively about FP (OR: 1.26; p<0.01) both had increased odds of using contraception. These findings were not sensitive to adjustment for potential sociodemographic confounders and religious social norms.
Conclusion: Public health interventions have utilized religious leaders to disseminate important FP messages with the hope of increasing demand for contraception. These findings contribute to research on the relationship between culture and health that are crucial for determining culturally competent, evidence-based interventions that will affect the health and well-being of underserved populations worldwide.
Learning Areas:
Diversity and culturePublic health or related research
Learning Objectives:
Evaluate the importance of religious leader inclusion in international family planning and reproductive health initiatives in Muslim countries.
Compare the likelihood of contraceptive use among urban Senegalese women who have heard mixed messages about family planning from Muslim religious leaders.
Identify Islam’s true stance on family planning globally, and the role Islam plays in Senegalese culture.
Keyword(s): Contraception, Religion
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have lived, worked, and conducted research in Senegal with multiple local and international organizations focusing on HIV/AIDS and FP initiatives. I am scheduled to receive my MPH May 2014, and wish to pursue a PhD to determine how my passion for global MCH research can contribute to bettering the health of the global community.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.