Globalization and Urbanization; their impact on the everyday lives and health of St. Lucians

The leading cause of death in St. Lucia is non-communicable disease. Cardiovascular disease accounts for 33% of all deaths on the island and 74% of the population is classified as overweight or obese. St. Lucia recently transitioned from an agricultural to tourism based economy, and this change has increased rates of urbanization. A qualitative study conducted in July 2013, examined the cultural beliefs and practices related to cardiovascular risk factors in St. Lucia. Twenty-five in-depth interviews were conducted with St. Lucians aged 25 to 55 years old. The participants discussed all aspects of their lives with specific concentration on health status, knowledge of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease risk factors, diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, smoking and beliefs about body size. Similarities appeared in three areas: (1) Change in the nature / status of employment ultimately leading to a change in lifestyle (2) Dissonance between beliefs and behavior regarding healthy diet primarily due to the increasing unavailability and rising costs of fresh healthy food versus the availability and inexpensive price point of less healthy alternatives (3) Insufficient exercise because of participants’ hesitation to venture outdoors unaccompanied due to safety and traffic concerns. This presentation explores these three findings through the lens of globalization and urbanization. It details, using real examples, the impact of those phenomena on the everyday lives and health of people living in St. Lucia.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchLearning Objectives:
Assess the beliefs and practices related to cardiovascular disease among St. Lucians, with specific regard to diet exercise and employment.
Evaluate the impact of globalization and urbanization in the lives of St. Lucians,with explicit focus on diet, employment and exercise.
Keyword(s): International Health, Risk Factors/Assesment
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have lived in St. Lucia for most of my life. I have worked for several years in the Ministry of Health there and I have also been part of several research projects conducted there. I have a deep interest in how middle income countries like St. Lucia adapt to changing global conditions. I would like this to be my life's work and it is has been the subject of many of my papers .
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.