Development of the Primary Care Homeless Organizational Assessment Tool (PC-HOAT) Framework to Evaluate Primary Care Services for the Homeless

The presentation will focus on the initial development of the tool that began with identify relevant organizational characteristics by using two Institute of Medicine reports, the Clinical Microassessment Tool, a homeless provider’s perspective, the Chronic Care Model, Starfield’s manuscript on primary care, and a manuscript by the National Homeless for Health Care Council. The seven core references provide (a) multi-dimensional perspectives, (b) information extensively cited in the literature, (c) information specific to primary care, and (d) information specific to the homeless. The results are a framework that included eight domains and 82 questions.
The tool has been tested for reliability and validity using key informant interviews and two surveys distributed nationwide. Statistical analysis is currently being performed.
Learning Areas:
Administration, management, leadershipPublic health administration or related administration
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate how to formulate an organizational assessment framework using multiple resources.
Keyword(s): Survey, Homelessness
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: The abstract is based off my own dissertation.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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