Reaching men of color through the women in their lives: Lessons learned from the M-PACT Project

In the Men’s Prostate Awareness Church Training (M-PACT) project, lay male community health advisors (CHAs) in African American churches received training in a men’s health curriculum focusing on informed decision making for prostate cancer screening. The CHAs conducted a 4-part educational workshop series for their male church members. Given the importance of women in medical decision-making and healthcare accessing among men, the M-PACT intervention 1) included both men and women as CHAs; and 2) asked male workshop participants to invite a female “Health Partner” (e.g., spouse/partner, sister, daughter) to attend the workshops with them. The current report focuses on the feasibility of recruiting women into a prostate cancer educational intervention for African American men, and lessons learned during the implementation of 76 workshops in 20 churches. Implications for community-based men’s health promotion will be discussed.
Learning Areas:
Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programsLearning Objectives:
Describe the potentially important role that women play in men’s health through support and accessing the healthcare system.
Describe the process, challenges, and lessons learned for recruiting women into a men’s health promotion intervention.
Assess whether the inclusion of women as “health partner” may increase the efficacy of informed decision making for prostate cancer screening among African American men.
Keyword(s): Cancer and Men’s Health, Community-Based Research (CBPR)
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the program director for the Men's Prostate Awareness Church Training (M-PACT) randomized controlled trial. I manage all aspects of the M-PACT research protocols, conduct formative research in churches, act as liaison between the university and community partners, assist in data analysis, develops educational materials and technical reports, make presentations to disseminate research findings, and prepare manuscripts for peer-reviewed publications.
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