Public Health 2030 Scenarios: Foresight for Health Departments

- Provide highlights from national and local public health scenarios that go out to the year 2030 and explore a range of forces and offer pathways to expectable, challenging, and visionary futures for public health.
- Discuss recommendations for strategy and action. National recommendations for the public health field and other stakeholders were developed at a national Public Health 2030 workshop in March 2014 with participants from associations, local health departments, academia, government, policy think tanks and non-profits, business, health care, and philanthropy. Strategic areas discussed include improving community resilience, building public health infrastructure and capacity, creating health equity, and ensuring the right to health and health care.
This special session will also provide a discussion of implications, recommendations, and insights that leaders from public health agencies (PHAs) gained for their planning and policymaking from using local public health scenarios. PHAs that participated in the Public Health 2030 project are Cuyahoga County Board of Health, OH; Boston Public Health Commission, MA; Fargo Cass Public Health, ND; and the Virginia Department of Health, VA.
Learning Areas:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I'm the principal of the Public Health 2030 project that will be discussed in the proposed session. For more than three decades I've been applying scenarios and visioning techniques to help governments (local, state, national and international), health care systems, health professionals, major voluntary organizations, and corporations more wisely choose and create the futures they prefer. Other recent and relevant projects include developing scenarios on the future of primary care and vulnerability in the U.S.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.