A Trauma-Informed Approach: Conditions for Healing

The Conditions for Healing video highlights how Community Connections, a large, nonprofit mental health agency in Washington, DC, has incorporated a TIA. Community Connections has created the Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model, which emphasizes survivor empowerment and peer support. By regularly inviting feedback and building trusting relationships between clinicians and the individuals they serve, Community Connections’ reflects TIA principle of empowerment, voice, and choice. Community Connections engages individuals and addresses their concerns, providing them with a voice in their recovery. This not only ensures the quality of its screening, assessment, and treatment services, but also provides empowers individuals to change and heal.
Link to video:
Trauma Informed Care: Community Connections
Learning Areas:
Diversity and cultureImplementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs
Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs
Public health or related education
Public health or related organizational policy, standards, or other guidelines
Learning Objectives:
Explain the importance of organizational, physical, and interpersonal conditions in a trauma-informed approach
Identify the six trauma-informed approach principles
Demonstrate an organization’s use of trauma-informed approach principles
Discuss a trauma-informed approach
Keyword(s): Diversity and culture, Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: As a Senior Study Director, I have over 20 years of experience in the health care field, with expertise in mental health, trauma and substance abuse policy, healthcare services for vulnerable populations, and the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based practices. I am a licensed social worker. My experience includes survey and product development and testing and program evaluation. I have worked on the Knowledge Application Program contract, responsible for these videos, for 8 years.
Any relevant financial relationships? Yes
Name of Organization | Clinical/Research Area | Type of relationship |
Westat | Behavioral Health | Employment (includes retainer) |
SAMHSA | Substance Use and Mental Health | Independent Contractor (contracted research and clinical trials) |
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.