Place and time as foundations of population health: The example of trauma and its consequences

There is abundant evidence that characteristics of places influence the health of populations above and beyond those of individuals. This is true in local and global contexts. In this session we will present examples of the role of characteristics of place in shaping population health in the global context. We will focus on examples of the experience of traumatic events in the sub-Saharan African context. Using these examples we will illustrate how place and time are ineluctable determinants of population health and need to be considered in any effort to mitigate the consequences of traumatic events.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchLearning Objectives:
Discuss how characteristics of place shape the foundations of population health.
Assess particular examples concerning the consequences of traumatic events to demonstrate the role of place in health determination.
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have conducted several studies in low-income countries that are directly pertinent to this abstract. I chair an Epidemiology Department where these subjects are studied and taught.
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