Children's Health, Health Care Quality, and Costs
Children's Health, Health Care Quality, and Costs

Tuesday, November 18, 2014: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
This session sheds light on the differences in hospital utilization and costs associated with preterm birth and low birth weight infants by payer, which is an important policy issue given the increased costs associated with preterm births and low birth weight infants. Moreover, this session fills a gap in the literature on quality of asthma care by evaluating whether a nationally-recognized patient-level asthma quality metric could be calculated at the pharmacy-level. Moreover, while there is abundant literature on access to care to psychotropic drugs among adults, little is known about access to these drugs among children, a gap in the literature that this session addresses. Finally, we know little about the healthcare and social health needs of mothers of young children who have recently been released from jail, which will be discussed in this session.
Session Objectives: • Describe differences in hospital utilization and costs associated with preterm birth and low birth weight infants by payer and identify areas for improvement in the quality of care received among these infants
• Identify the healthcare and social health needs of mothers of young children who have recently been released from jail from the perspective of this population
• Evaluate whether a nationally-recognized patient-level asthma quality metric could be calculated at the pharmacy-level and assess whether it is associated with community-level childhood asthma morbidity
• Describe the problems with access to care experienced by children and youth with prescriptions for psychotropic medication and discuss the health care quality experiences of these children and youth
Rada Dagher, PhD, MPH
Kristen Kjerulff, MA, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by: School Health Education and Services
See more of: Maternal and Child Health