My Brother's Keeper: Lifecourse Trajectories of Health and Wellbeing for African American Boys and Men of Color
My Brother's Keeper: Lifecourse Trajectories of Health and Wellbeing for African American Boys and Men of Color

Monday, November 17, 2014: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
For African American boys and young men of color, the period between late adolescence (18 years) and young adulthood (24 years) is marked by a steady accumulation of risk for adverse health and later disease and rapidly emerging behavioral, sexual and reproductive behavior. In line with the White House My Brother’s Keeper initiative, this panel will focus on the trajectories of male health as they are reflected in linked health behaviors: sexual behavior, mental health, and reproductive decision-making. These behaviors are closely related to other risky behaviors such as alcohol and tobacco use, drug use, and diet and nutrition. Mental health, sexual behavior and reproductive decision-making are also closely connected to the emergence of key social determinants of health. Mental health problems and sexual risk taking behavior is much more prevalent among minority adolescent and young adult males with rates of key risk taking behavior being 200% to 300% higher among minority males than white males. These increased rates are associated with undiagnosed mental health, premature mortality, and ill-conceived reproductive decision-making that frequently results in early age at first pregnancy, shortened inter-pregnancy intervals, high gravidity, and parity, high rates of poor pregnancy outcomes. Our findings are based on the supposition that the timing of intervention during adolescence and young adulthood will have marked positive impacts on reducing risk factors that are closely linked to the high prevalence of chronic diseases among African American and Hispanic males. We will offer best practice recommendations squarely aimed at setting the stage for strong family formation where males play a critical role as partners, fathers and community members.
Session Objectives: Identify linked health behaviors (sexual behavior, mental health and reproductive decision making) among African American boys and young men of color;
Discuss life course trajectories of health and wellbeing among African American boys and young men of color;
Provide evidence-based strategies for identifying areas of opportunity for African American boys and young men of color and the White House My Brother’s Keeper initiative
Jermane Bond, PhD
Jermane Bond, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: APHA-Center for Public Health Policy
Endorsed by: Socialist Caucus, Public Health Social Work
See more of: APHA-Center for Public Health Policy