Institute of Medicine Regional Disaster Response Workshop
Institute of Medicine Regional Disaster Response Workshop

Saturday, November 15, 2014: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Business Meeting
When a disaster strikes, it rarely impacts just one jurisdiction. Many catastrophic disaster plans include provisions of support from neighboring jurisdictions which likely will not be available in a regional disaster. As many jurisdictions within a region will have similar vulnerabilities, it is important to establish responsibilities and capacities and be able to work toward common goals to address all-hazards when multiple areas are affected. It is important for jurisdictions to consider how they will respond to a scenario where the entire region is impacted.
To explore these unique considerations the Institute of Medicine’s Preparedness Forum is organizing a series of 3 workshops, each of which will explore a specific set of issues: Community Planning and Engagement, Information Sharing and Management, and Surge Management. The focus of this third workshop in New Orleans, LA will be on issues of medical and public health surge across a region, including patient transportation and evacuation, surging public health and human services to strengthen resilience, and coordination responsibility of multiple organizations involved in a regional incident.
If interested in joining, please register at: http://iom.edu/Activities/PublicHealth/MedPrep/2014-NOV-15.aspx
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
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