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Aging & Public Health Call for Abstracts
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Call for Abstracts
5102.0 Co Occurring Mental Health, Alcohol, tobacco and Other Addiction Problems - Risks, Prevention, Intervention. A Mental Health and ATOD collaborative session
Applied Public Health Statistics Call for Abstracts
Gen Topics 4
Caucus on Homelessness Call for Abstracts
Community Health Planning and Policy Development Call for Abstracts
Clinical issues for older adults
Disability Call for Abstracts
Assessing and supporting the mental health of people with disabilities
Historical context of disability and public health; Celebrating 30 years in APHA
Integrating disability in medical and healthcare education and practice
Environment Call for Abstracts
Health Equity at Scale: The role of the built environment”
Epidemiology Call for Abstracts
A 21st Century Approach to the Control and Prevention of Communicable Diseases Globally
Defining the Impact of Endocrine Disruptors (EDCs) on Metabolic Disease and Obesity through Epidemiologic Research
Diabetes LEAD (Location, Environmental Attributes, and Disparities) Network: Studying the Impact of Modifiable Community Factors on Geographic Disparities in Diabetes Nationwide
Disaster Epidemiology: Examples of Epidemiologic Methods Applied to Natural and Man-made Disasters
Disaster Epidemiology: Examples of Epidemiologic Methods Applied to Natural and Man-made Disasters
Environmental Epidemiology
Epidemiology Late Breaker Session _Accepted
Epidemiology of Substance Abuse
Ethics in Epidemiology
Genetic Epidemiology
Health Equity for African American Populations across the Lifespan: Research and Practice Activities at the Center for Health Equity, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Hepatitis A Outbreak in San Diego – A Vaccine Preventable Disease Returns
Injury Epidemiology
Methods in Epidemiology
Nutritional Epidemiology
Playing catch-up: Rural cancer control
Role of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice
Teaching Epidemiology
Translation and Application of Epidemiology
Understanding Health Equity at the Local Level: Opportunities and Challenges in Community Health Surveys
Genomics Forum Call for Abstracts
Population screening (includes but not limited to newborn screening)
Mens Health Caucus Call for Abstracts
American Indian / Alaskan Native Health
Defining Mental Health and Wellbeing for Men and Boys: Making Multiple Connections (organized jointly with the Mental Health Section)
To be transferred to Men's Caucus for 4175.0: Innovation in Men's Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Public Health Social Work Call for Abstracts
Ensuring Equitable Health Reform: Opportunities and Challenges
Interprofessional Collaborations that Advance Health Equity
Prevention and Health Promotion: EVIDENCE-BASED Interventions that Enhance the Health and Wellbeing of DIVERSE and VULNERABLE Populations (e.g., homeless, immigrant, incarcerated, military-connected, race, gender, sexual minority, TRANSGENDER, etc.)
Using Technology to Advance Health Equity
School Health Education and Services Call for Abstracts
Active transport to school
Diversity in schools
Effective funding for public health education
Evidence-based practice in school nursing: Emerging innovations
Vision Care Call for Abstracts
Children's vision and eye care needs
Children's vision screening and eye health in schools: A Joint Session of the Vision Care and School Health Sections
Economic burden and cost-effectiveness analysis in vision and eye care
Health promotion and vision loss
Impact of vision impairment on health, functioning, social participation, and the environment
Integrated medical, oral health, and vision care delivery models
The environment and impacts on eye health
The relationship between vision status and oral health
The right to sight
Translating eye health and treatment research into community health
Vision and aging
Vision health: A global perspective