CALL FOR ABSTRACTS — APHA 2025 Annual Meeting and Expo


Meeting theme: "Making the Public’s Health a National Priority"

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025

The Pharmacy Section invites abstracts that fit with the theme of the 2025 Annual Meeting "Making Public Health a National Priority" and with the Pharmacy Section's interest in advancing public health-pharmacy partnership, expanded access to care, and the value of pharmacy services and pharmacists.

Abstracts are welcomed for oral, poster, or roundtable presentations. APHA members are encouraged to submit abstracts that reflect quality science and align broadly with interests and values of the Pharmacy Section. After reviewers score abstracts, the program committee arranges the high-ranking submissions into sessions organized by topic. We will try to honor preferences for oral, poster, or round-table presentations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not yet a Pharmacy Section member, please consider joining our community. Student members are welcome!


The following topics reflect both historical concerns and current focus areas of the Pharmacy Section. They are neither prescriptive nor exclusive. The Pharmacy Section supports and advocates for public health and pharmacy initiatives and policies that benefit regional and global at-risk communities, education, government, organizations, as well as promotes ethical drug development and equitable access to care. Topics that fall within the broadly outlined categories below are encouraged for submission:

  • Pharmacists’ Role in Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science 
    • Abstracts submitted for this topic should include pharmacy activities to increase trust with patients by proactively aligning clinical content and patient education.
  • Pharmacy Policy, Economics, Quality and Advocacy 
    • Abstracts submitted for this topic should address items such as ensuring national and global policies promote public health values; ensure public health goals are addressed in pharmaceutical economics, such as drug pricing, Medicare, Medicaid; outcome evaluations of pharmacy services; pharmacoeconomics; health outcomes; prescription drug misuse and abuse; quality in medication use: patient safety, medication errors, advocacy, and programs and policies that relate to pharmacy and pharmacy practice.
  • Education 
    • Abstracts submitted for this topic should address the intersection of public health and pharmacy education in either the experiential or didactic setting. In addition, abstracts that address dual MPH/PharmD curriculum or outcomes of public health programing in PharmD curriculum will also be considered for this topic.
  • Pharmacy and Public Health Partnerships and Advocacy 
    • Abstracts submitted for this topic should include public health-pharmacy collaborations; clinical-community linkages; pharmacists’ impacts on essential health services; expanded access to care through pharmacy participation on the care team; transitions of care; partnership with health departments, FQHCs, ACOs, and community organizations.
  • Pharmacy-Public Health Practice Activities 
    • We also welcome abstract submissions on other topics related to public health pharmacy/pharmacists, including, but not limited to public health practice activities, access to care, health literacy, prevention, and history.

  • Education
    Abstracts submitted for this topic should address the intersection of public health and pharmacy education in either the experiential or didactic setting. In addition, abstracts that address dual MPH/PharmD curriculum or outcomes of public health programing in PharmD curriculum will also be considered for this topic.
  • Pharmacists’ Role in Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science
    • Abstracts submitted for this topic should include pharmacy activities to increase trust with patients by proactively aligning clinical content and patient education.
  • Pharmacy Policy, Economics, Quality and Advocacy
    Abstracts submitted for this topic should address items such as ensuring national and global policies promote public health values; ensure public health goals are addressed in pharmaceutical economics, such as drug pricing, Medicare, Medicaid; outcome evaluations of pharmacy services; pharmacoeconomics; health outcomes; prescription drug misuse and abuse; quality in medication use: patient safety, medication errors, advocacy, and programs and policies that relate to pharmacy and pharmacy practice.

We also welcome abstract submissions on other topics related to public health pharmacy/pharmacists, including, but not limited to: public health practice activities, access to care, health literacy, prevention, and history.

Submission Process

Abstracts submitted for consideration should reflect new information. Abstracts are limited to 250 words and should not contain charts, figures, etc. Abstracts should adequately describe the content and focus of the proposed presentation and follow the general outline of background, methods, results, and conclusions.

In addition to your abstract, you will be asked to provide the following information as part of the online submission process:

  • Learning Objectives: At least two measurable learning objectives are needed as a standing APHA requirement. The learning objectives are not included in the word count. Learning objectives must clearly identify the intended outcomes participants will be able to demonstrate as a result of attending/participating in your presentation. Verbs that cannot be clearly demonstrated (understand, learn, etc.) do not meet this criterion. Per APHA, learning objectives MUST include one of the following demonstrable verbs: explain, demonstrate, analyze, formulate, discuss, compare, differentiate, describe, name, assess, evaluate, identify, design, define, list, or similar measurable word. Each learning objective should be listed separately and numbered sequentially. Compound learning objectives (those containing more than one verb) are not permitted. For more information, please see:
  • Relevant Keywords: Keywords assist program planners in developing cohesive sessions and in assigning your abstract for blind peer-review. Please select only the keywords that best reflect the primary focus of your abstract submission. If the keyword options in the drop-down menu do not adequately reflect your content, please list your keywords in “Comments to Organizers.”
  • Preferred Presentation Format: You may select oral, poster, or either. Please note other preferences in the “Comments to Organizers.” Program planners will try to honor, but cannot guarantee, preference requests.
  • Qualifications Statement: You must include a brief (1-3 sentences) statement regarding why you are qualified to present on the content of your abstract. Statements should be tailored to the content, rather than generic statements related to education, training, or employment. 
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure: APHA requires presenters to disclose “any relevant personal financial relationship with a commercial entity that benefits the individual and may ultimately bias the presentation of that content.” The policy may be viewed at

All abstracts are reviewed using a blind peer-review process. Incomplete abstracts or those failing to meet guidelines established by APHA will NOT be reviewed. View additional information regarding abstract submission guidelines at the following URL:

NOTE: Submission of an abstract implies a commitment to make the presentation at the annual meeting. Presenters of accepted abstracts must be, or become, members of APHA and must be registered by the early-bird deadline.


Program Planner Contact Information:

Marie Barnard, PhD