4081.0: Tuesday, November 14, 2000: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

HIV in Special Populations of Women: Adolescents, Older women and "No Risk" Group

Through June 1999, 10,691 women over 50, 8315 adolescents (13-24) and 16,635 women with unidentified risk were reported to the CDC, accounting for one quarter of all women with AIDS. For new HIV infections, women with no known risk, make up 38% of all women reported with HIV. These groups represent a largely ignored population with special needs, which have implications for prevention and education, HIV identification, linkage and retention in care, and adherence to medication regimens. Conventional limits on sexual behavior preclude open communication between partners, often resulting in unsafe sexual expression among teenagers, and transmission of infection from "hidden" drug using or bisexual partners to women of all ages. A national prevention campaign which specifically targets sexually active youth to consider HIV testing will be presented. The need to develop similar messages for women who are sexually active but unaware of their HIV risk will be discussed. Linking women in these groups to care settings and ensuring retention has been difficult, in part because of unstable housing situations for the young group and issues of disclosure to family and friends for all groups. In addition, varying commitment to current therapy regimens make adherence to complicated HAART regimens very difficult
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Organizer(s):Mardge H Cohen, MD
8:30 AMGetting Busy? HIV. Live with it. Get tested--Social Marketing to Promote HIV Counseling and Testing to Youth: Results from a Six City Program in the U.S
Donna Futterman, MD
8:55 AMHIV in women over 45
Carola Marte, MD
9:20 AMOverview of HIV Research and Care Issues for The Second Sex in 2000
Mardge H. Cohen, MD
9:45 AMDiscussion
Sponsor:Socialist Caucus
Cosponsors:Community Health Planning and Policy Development; Epidemiology; HIV/AIDS SPIG; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus of Public Health Workers; Social Work; Women's Caucus

The 128th Annual Meeting of APHA