4062.0: Tuesday, November 14, 2000: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Poster Session I

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Facilitator(s):Maggie Robbins
Board 1Psychophysical suffering, sexuality and work: a study with bankworkers and health workers
Eleonora Menicucci Oliveira, Doctor
Board 2A data collection study of blood exposure incidents in the dental setting
Roberta D Welling, MS, MPH, June M Fisher, MD
Board 3California fatality assessment and control evaluation (FACE) program: Summary of occupational fatalities in Los Angeles county 1992-1998
Laura E. Styles, MPH, Richard Tibben, Robert Harrison, MD, MPH, Judie Guerriero, RN, MPH, Marion Gillen, John Fowler
Board 4Fatal Work-Related Deaths from Hydrogen Sulfide 1984-94
Douglas Fuller, MDMPH, Anthony Suruda, MDMPH
Board 5Environmental purchasing in healthcare: The Sustainable Hospitals Clearinghouse
Catherine J. Galligan, MS, Margaret M. Quinn, ScD, CIH, Howard C. Herman-Haase, MS, Jamie Tessler, MPH, Ilir Agalliu, MD
Board 6Gender differences in workplace violent behavior among co-workers
Mario H. Rodriguez, MS, MPH, Carlos Andujar, PhD
Board 7Determinants of vibration threshold in automobile manufacturing workers
Judith E. Gold, BS, Laura Punnett, ScD
Board 8Temporal factors and the risk of occupational acute hand injury
David A. Lombardi, MS, Gary S. Sorock, PhD, Ellen A. Eisen, ScD, Robert F. Herrick, SD, Russ B. Hauser, MD, ScD, Roger Racine, BS, Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DrPH
Board 9Tuberculosis Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Occupation in the United States
Ki Moon Bang, Jay H. Kim
Board 10Characterization of ergonomic exposures in caisson cage construction
Martin St. Clair Forde, MASc, Bryan Buchholz, Dr
Sponsor:Occupational Health and Safety
Cosponsors:Environment; Epidemiology

The 128th Annual Meeting of APHA