American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus

NOTE: Sessions listed in italics have been organized by another section, SPIG, or caucus but are endorsed by American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus.

Click here to view business meetings and social events

Monday, November 17, 2003

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon
3007.0Influence of Lifestyle on Native Communities (Oral)
3023.0Improving Access for Underserved Populations: Success Stories from the W.K. Kellogg Community Voices Initiative (Oral)
3036.0Addressing Type 2 Diabetes In The U.S. Population (Oral)
3038.0Clinical Issues in Aging (Poster)
3039.0Current Issues in Health and Health Care for Older Adults (Poster)
3040.0Hot Topics in Aging and Health (Poster)
3041.0Innovations for Older Adults' Health and Well-being (Poster)
3042.0Innovations in Long-term Care (Poster)
3043.0Quality of Life in the Later Years (Poster)
3066.0Culture-Specific Mental Health Intervention (Oral)
3074.0Bridging the Cultural Divide (Poster)
3084.0Financial, Racial and Ethnic Disparities of a Diverse Population (Oral)
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon
3095.0Impacting Diabetes (Oral)
3113.0Role of the Built Environment and Socio-cultural Context on Diabetes Prevention, Management and Treatment in Six Racial/ethnic Minority, Low-income Communities Throughout California (Oral)
3122.0Innovative Partnerships In Health Promotion & Disease Prevention For Older Adults (Panel Discussion)
3127.1Health Disparities in the Golden State: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon
3164.0Changing Behavioral Patterns (Oral)
3243.0Impact of Welfare Reform on Families and Children (Oral)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon
3267.0Youth as Community Health Workers (Oral)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon
3328.0Alternative Therapies in Women's Health (Oral)
3328.1American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus Latebreaker (Oral)
3332.0Grassroots and Community Based Efforts to Promote Health among Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders (Poster)
3346.0Preventing Overweight and Obesity: Policy and Environmental Approaches (Oral)
3373.0Impact of Racism, Homophobia and Stigma on Health (Oral)
3375.0Multicultural audiences and health messages in TV storylines: Developing outreach and measuring impact (Oral)
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Mon
3391.0Women's Issues in Nutrition and Physical Activity: A Cross-cultural Point of View (Oral)

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue
4015.0Designing a Native Health System for the 21st Century - Updating the Canoe Voyage (Roundtable)
4027.0Issues of Importance to Community Health Workers (Poster)
4039.0Crisis of Growing Old: Limitations to Physical Functioning, Isolation, and Depression in Sedentary America (Oral)
4062.0Helping Families Cope With FASD and Autism (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue
4108.0Effects of Social Determinants on Native Health (Oral)
4136.0The Long-term Care Continuum: Informal and Formal Care for Elders (Oral)
4137.0Enhancing Sustainability and Dissemination of Innovative Community Programs for Older Adults: Research, Programmatic, and Policy Perspectives (Oral)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue
4181.0Alternative Therapies from Around the World (Oral)
4186.0The Documentation, Measurement, and Amelioration of Health Disparities Within API Populations (Oral)
4201.0Innovative Community Programs Related to Overweight and Obesity (Oral)
4202.0Nutrition Assessment and Surveillance: Guiding Research and Program Development (Oral)
4203.0Preventing Falls: Saving Lives, Saving Dollars (Oral)
4204.0Health Provider/Older Adults Communication Issues (Oral)
4232.0Strengthening Cultural Competency in Health Education (Oral)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue
4246.0Impacting Health Disparities (Oral)
4267.0Self-care and Healthy Behaviors among Older Adults (Roundtable)
4268.0Diversity over the Life Course: Race, Ethnicity, and Aging (Oral)
4269.0Planning for and Caring during the End of Life (Oral)

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed
5017.0From Rural to Urban: Community Health Workers Working with Diverse Populations (Oral)
5028.0Portion Size: Linking Obesity, Consumer Attitudes and Policy Opportunities (Oral)
5030.0Health Promotion and Healthy Aging (Oral)
5031.0Issues with Older Drivers (Oral)
5031.1Health Promotion for Older Adults (Poster)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed
5083.1Department of Health and Human Service's Advisory Committee on Minority Health Listening Session Part I (Oral)
5090.0Community Health Workers Addressing Health Disparities in their Communities (Oral)
5099.0Nutrition and Physical Activity Research: Toward the Prevention of Overweight and Obesity (Oral)
5100.0Health Policy and Aging (Oral)
5101.0Health Promotion and Healthy Aging II (Oral)
5129.0The Importance of Cultural Competency in the Classroom and in Healthcare (Oral)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed
5142.1Department of Health and Human Service's Advisory Committee on Minority Health Listening Session Part II (Oral)
5156.0Models of Community-based Care: Keeping Elders in their Homes (Oral)
5157.0Aging with Mental and Emotional Vitality (Oral)

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA