Asian Pacific Islander Caucus of APHA

NOTE: Sessions listed in italics have been organized by another section, SPIG, or caucus but are endorsed by Asian Pacific Islander Caucus of APHA.

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Monday, November 17, 2003

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon
3015.0Emerging Health Issues among API Populations (Oral)
3025.0The Healthy Environments Partnership: A Community-Based Approach to Understanding and Reducing Heart Disease in Detroit (Oral)
3031.0Asthma Surveillance in California: Linking Data and Programs (Oral)
3032.0Epidemiologic Methods for Studies Related to Cancer (Oral)
3033.0Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Session I (Oral)
3034.0Epidemiologic Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (Oral)
3043.0Quality of Life in the Later Years (Poster)
3055.0SARS: Response to a Global Epidemic (Oral)
3056.0Immunizations (Oral)
3058.0Access to care as a determinant of health (Oral)
3059.0Adolescent Health: Behavior Change, Health Risk Attitudes and Risky Behavior (Oral)
3061.0Health Services Research Findings in Maternal and Child Health (Oral)
3062.0Infant & Child Health: Fetal alcohol syndrome diagnosis and epidemiology (Oral)
3064.0Ethnic and Racial Disparities Contributed Papers: Patient-Provider Relationship and Communication (Oral)
3085.0Public Health: Politics, Ethics and Activism (Oral)
3088.0Women's Healthcare Choices in the Second Half of Life (Oral)
3089.0HPV and Women (Oral)
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon
3105.0Health Issues of Asian American and Pacific Islander Women (Oral)
3108.0Health Disparities Among Immigrants: Risks and Outcomes (Oral)
3119.0Innovative Epidemiologic Methods for Community-based Investigations (Oral)
3120.0Chronic Disease Epidemiology (Oral)
3127.1Health Disparities in the Golden State: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey (Oral)
3134.0Malaria and Tuberculosis (Oral)
3140.0Access to Essential Medicines: Why can't we find a way to provide AIDS drugs to countries in the developing world? (Drug Policy and Pharmacy Services Committee Solicited Session) (Oral)
3154.0Universal Health Care as the Civil Rights Struggle of the 21st Century (Oral)
3155.0Immigrant California: Inequality and Public Health in Historical Perspective (Oral)
3157.0Helping Women Harmed by Sexual Abuse as Children (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon
3164.0Changing Behavioral Patterns (Oral)
3171.0Health Issues of Under-Studied Asian American and Pacific Islander Subgroups (Oral)
3175.0Disparities in Access to Care Among Refugee and Immigrant Populations (Oral)
3182.0Design, Implementation and Evaluation: Community-Based Public Health (Poster)
3186.0The Emergent Majority: Will we have the data? (Oral)
3200.0Achieving universal healthcare: What are the states doing? (Oral)
3208.0Community Involvement (Oral)
3209.0HIV and Behavior Change (Oral)
3213.0Mental Health Issues for the Maternal and Child Health Population (Poster)
3215.0Topics in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (Poster)
3219.0Health and Income: Determinants and Effects of Disparities (Health Economics Contributed Papers #1) (Oral)
3225.0War and Public Health (Oral)
3247.0Access to Care (Poster)
3248.0Sexual Health in a Social Context (Poster)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon
3254.0Public Health Considerations for Acupuncture in the US (Oral)
3268.0Answering the Community Call: Successful Team Collaboration in Health Care Issues (Oral)
3273.0Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology: Data for Programs and Policy Making (Oral)
3287.0Managing Health Workforce Issues: Globally and Locally (Oral)
3289.0Healthy behaviors of Latinos (Oral)
3291.0Nutrition and Environmental Factors in Maternal and Child Health (Oral)
3292.0Violence Prevention in Families and Communities: identification and treatment of victims of violence (Oral)
3294.0Challenging Determinants of Preterm Birth (Oral)
3295.0The History of Immigration Policy: At Home and Abroad (Oral)
3312.0Medical Malpractice, Quality, and National Health Care Reform (Oral)
3313.0Social Justice & Public Health: Data Needs and Data Privacy (Oral)
3316.0Breast Cancer (Oral)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon
3328.0Alternative Therapies in Women's Health (Oral)
3331.0Cancer Prevention and Treatment among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (Poster)
3332.0Grassroots and Community Based Efforts to Promote Health among Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders (Poster)
3333.0Sociocultural Determinants of the Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (Poster)
3341.0Building and Sustaining Creative Partnerships for Health: Examples from the Field (Oral)
3349.0Impact of State and Federal Budget Deficits on State Medicaid and SCHIP Programs (Oral)
3353.0HIV and Social Attitudes (Oral)
3354.0The Nursing Shortage: Prescriptions for Safety (Oral)
3355.0Access as a Determinant of Health: Experiences Among Latinos (Poster)
3356.0Health Disparities as a Determinant of Latino Health (Poster)
3357.0Health and Healthy Behaviors Among Latinos (Poster)
3369.0Terrorism and Public Health (Oral)
3382.0The Politics of War & Health: Linking Social Justice & Public Health--History, Data, and Pedagogy (Oral)
3385.0Intimate Partner Violence: Effective Interventions (Oral)
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Mon
3393.0Safe Motherhood, Reproductive Health, and Newborns (Oral)
3396.0Vitamin A and Eye Health (Oral)
3397.0Infant & Child Health: Fetal alcohol syndrome surveillance (Oral)
3402.0Social and Political Aspects of Health (Oral)

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue
4014.0Utilization and Prevalence of Alternative Therapies (Oral)
4022.0Impact of and Responses to Violence among Refugees and Immigrants (Oral)
4029.0Community-Based Public Health: Round Tables for Better Research and Practice (Roundtable)
4034.0A Tool for Practicing Epidemiology in Public Health Setting: DDT Diabetes Indicators Resource Tool (Oral)
4036.0Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Session II (Oral)
4040.0The Environment and Aging: Developing EPA�s National Agenda (Oral)
4048.0Issues in the Poorest Countries (Oral)
4050.0Reproductive Health (Oral)
4070.0Violence and Its Impact on Health: An International Public Health Problem (Oral)
4085.0Teaching Activism for Public Health (Oral)
4088.0Speaking Truth to Power: Feminist Health Organizing and Advocacy in a Conservative Era (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue
4107.0Introduction to and Considerations in Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CAM) (Poster)
4108.0Effects of Social Determinants on Native Health (Oral)
4113.0The Impact of Health Policies and the Organization of Health Services on the Health of API Populations (Oral)
4123.0Innovative Applications of Community-Based Research (Oral)
4131.0Increases in High-Risk Behaviors and Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States (Oral)
4132.0Bioterrorism and Epidemiology: Questions, Methods and Outcomes (Oral)
4149.0Long-Term Perspectives on Community-Based Health Care (Oral)
4150.0Latinos, Chronic Diseases and the Environment (Poster)
4151.0The Border and Binational Communities (Poster)
4157.0Poverty Does Matter - The Social Determinants of Health (Medical Care Section Solicited Session #2) (Oral)
4161.0Structural Violence and The Culture of Fear (Oral)
4171.0The Politics of Food: The American Diet and Food Safety (Oral)
4172.0Social Justice & Public Health: Student Posters (Poster)
4176.0Sex Workers: Voluntary and Forced (Oral)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue
4186.0The Documentation, Measurement, and Amelioration of Health Disparities Within API Populations (Oral)
4197.0Is Scientific Research Compatible With Political, Community And Labor Activism? (Oral)
4198.0Epidemiologic Research on Social Determinants of Prostate Cancer: The Role of GIS Methods and Spatial Statistics (Oral)
4199.0Approaches to Population-based Assessment of Disease Prevalence (Oral)
4203.0Preventing Falls: Saving Lives, Saving Dollars (Oral)
4213.0Disparities and Inequalities (Oral)
4214.0Reforming Health Sector Organization (Oral)
4215.0HIV and Risky Behavior (Oral)
4216.0The Social Costs of Large Retailers' (and Other Large Employers) Health Care Practices (Oral)
4217.0Health disparities (Oral)
4221.0Access to Health Insurance (Health Services Research Contributed Papers #2) (Oral)
4237.0Globalization, Health and Liberation Medicine (Oral)
4239.0Rape and Sexual Assault (Oral)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue
4246.0Impacting Health Disparities (Oral)
4250.0Asian American and Pacific Islander Children's Health (Oral)
4256.0The WK Kellogg Community Health Scholars Program: Community-Based Research (Oral)
4263.0Tuberculosis and Outbreaks: Poster Session (Poster)
4268.0Diversity over the Life Course: Race, Ethnicity, and Aging (Oral)
4273.0Bay Area Community Organizing for Health Justice (Oral)
4284.0Adolescent Health Issues (Poster)
4291.0Ethnic and Racial Disparities Contributed Papers: Empiric Studies (Oral)
4322.0Follow-up of Abnormal Pap Tests (Oral)
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Tue
4327.0HIV Orphans and Community Responses (Oral)
4328.0Immigrants, Refugees, and War (Oral)
4329.0Environmental Health (Oral)

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed
5012.0Strategies for Reaching Refugee and Immigrant Populations (Oral)
5018.0Community-Based Evaluation: Real-World Considerations and Applications (Oral)
5025.0Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Poster Session 1 (Poster)
5026.0Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Poster Session-2 (Poster)
5029.0International/Population Aging Issues (Oral)
5044.0The Impact of Corruption on Public Health in Developing Countries (Oral)
5045.0Infectious Diseases (Oral)
5046.0Lessons From World Experience (Oral)
5049.0The Challenges of Children with Asthma (Poster)
5050.0Violence Prevention in Families and Communities (Poster)
5051.0Women's Health Issues (Poster)
5052.0Child Care:Developing Systems for Health Consultation and Early Identification of Children with Challenging Behaviors (Oral)
5053.0Interventions that Make a Difference: Innovative Programs to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes (Oral)
5075.0Older Women's Health and Well-being (Oral)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed
5091.0Participatory Assessment of Community Capacity and Social Capital: A Multi-Community, Multi-University Collaboration (Oral)
5096.0Advances in the Molecular Epidemiology of Tuberculosis (Oral)
5098.0Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (Oral)
5111.0Less Burnout and Dissatisfaction: Improving the Work Environment for Nurses (Oral)
5112.0The health determinants of immigrant communities (Oral)
5114.0Breastfeeding: Definitions, Policies and Patterns (Oral)
5115.0Programs to Reduce Health Disparities and Infant Mortality (Oral)
5116.0Cuts and Bruises or Major Trauma: Impact of Federal and State Medicaid Changes on Women, Children and Youth (Oral)
5119.0Findings from the National Healthcare Disparities Report (Medical Care Section Solicited Session #5) (Oral)
5125.0Epidemiology of War (Oral)
5137.0Health of Incarcerated Women (Oral)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed
5148.0Community-Based Assessment: Diverse Approaches (Oral)
5169.0Racial Disparities in Maternal and Child Health (Oral)
5189.0Adolescent Health and Well-being (Oral)

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA