Monday, November 17, 2003 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon |
| 3015.0 | Emerging Health Issues among API Populations (Oral) |
| 3025.0 | The Healthy Environments Partnership: A Community-Based Approach to Understanding and Reducing Heart Disease in Detroit (Oral) |
| 3031.0 | Asthma Surveillance in California: Linking Data and Programs (Oral) |
| 3032.0 | Epidemiologic Methods for Studies Related to Cancer (Oral) |
| 3033.0 | Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Session I (Oral) |
| 3034.0 | Epidemiologic Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (Oral) |
| 3043.0 | Quality of Life in the Later Years (Poster) |
| 3055.0 | SARS: Response to a Global Epidemic (Oral) |
| 3058.0 | Access to care as a determinant of health (Oral) |
| 3059.0 | Adolescent Health: Behavior Change, Health Risk Attitudes and Risky Behavior (Oral) |
| 3061.0 | Health Services Research Findings in Maternal and Child Health (Oral) |
| 3062.0 | Infant & Child Health: Fetal alcohol syndrome diagnosis and epidemiology (Oral) |
| 3064.0 | Ethnic and Racial Disparities Contributed Papers: Patient-Provider Relationship and Communication (Oral) |
| 3085.0 | Public Health: Politics, Ethics and Activism (Oral) |
| 3088.0 | Women's Healthcare Choices in the Second Half of Life (Oral) |
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon |
| 3105.0 | Health Issues of Asian American and Pacific Islander Women (Oral) |
| 3108.0 | Health Disparities Among Immigrants: Risks and Outcomes (Oral) |
| 3119.0 | Innovative Epidemiologic Methods for Community-based Investigations (Oral) |
| 3120.0 | Chronic Disease Epidemiology (Oral) |
| 3127.1 | Health Disparities in the Golden State: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey (Oral) |
| 3134.0 | Malaria and Tuberculosis (Oral) |
| 3140.0 | Access to Essential Medicines: Why can't we find a way to provide AIDS drugs to countries in the developing world? (Drug Policy and Pharmacy Services Committee Solicited Session) (Oral) |
| 3154.0 | Universal Health Care as the Civil Rights Struggle of the 21st Century (Oral) |
| 3155.0 | Immigrant California: Inequality and Public Health in Historical Perspective (Oral) |
| 3157.0 | Helping Women Harmed by Sexual Abuse as Children (Oral) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon |
| 3164.0 | Changing Behavioral Patterns (Oral) |
| 3171.0 | Health Issues of Under-Studied Asian American and Pacific Islander Subgroups (Oral) |
| 3175.0 | Disparities in Access to Care Among Refugee and Immigrant Populations (Oral) |
| 3182.0 | Design, Implementation and Evaluation: Community-Based Public Health (Poster) |
| 3186.0 | The Emergent Majority: Will we have the data? (Oral) |
| 3200.0 | Achieving universal healthcare: What are the states doing? (Oral) |
| 3208.0 | Community Involvement (Oral) |
| 3209.0 | HIV and Behavior Change (Oral) |
| 3213.0 | Mental Health Issues for the Maternal and Child Health Population (Poster) |
| 3215.0 | Topics in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (Poster) |
| 3219.0 | Health and Income: Determinants and Effects of Disparities (Health Economics Contributed Papers #1) (Oral) |
| 3225.0 | War and Public Health (Oral) |
| 3248.0 | Sexual Health in a Social Context (Poster) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon |
| 3254.0 | Public Health Considerations for Acupuncture in the US (Oral) |
| 3268.0 | Answering the Community Call: Successful Team Collaboration in Health Care Issues (Oral) |
| 3273.0 | Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology: Data for Programs and Policy Making (Oral) |
| 3287.0 | Managing Health Workforce Issues: Globally and Locally (Oral) |
| 3289.0 | Healthy behaviors of Latinos (Oral) |
| 3291.0 | Nutrition and Environmental Factors in Maternal and Child Health (Oral) |
| 3292.0 | Violence Prevention in Families and Communities: identification and treatment of victims of violence (Oral) |
| 3294.0 | Challenging Determinants of Preterm Birth (Oral) |
| 3295.0 | The History of Immigration Policy: At Home and Abroad (Oral) |
| 3312.0 | Medical Malpractice, Quality, and National Health Care Reform (Oral) |
| 3313.0 | Social Justice & Public Health: Data Needs and Data Privacy (Oral) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon |
| 3328.0 | Alternative Therapies in Women's Health (Oral) |
| 3331.0 | Cancer Prevention and Treatment among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (Poster) |
| 3332.0 | Grassroots and Community Based Efforts to Promote Health among Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders (Poster) |
| 3333.0 | Sociocultural Determinants of the Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (Poster) |
| 3341.0 | Building and Sustaining Creative Partnerships for Health: Examples from the Field (Oral) |
| 3349.0 | Impact of State and Federal Budget Deficits on State Medicaid and SCHIP Programs (Oral) |
| 3353.0 | HIV and Social Attitudes (Oral) |
| 3354.0 | The Nursing Shortage: Prescriptions for Safety (Oral) |
| 3355.0 | Access as a Determinant of Health: Experiences Among Latinos (Poster) |
| 3356.0 | Health Disparities as a Determinant of Latino Health (Poster) |
| 3357.0 | Health and Healthy Behaviors Among Latinos (Poster) |
| 3369.0 | Terrorism and Public Health (Oral) |
| 3382.0 | The Politics of War & Health: Linking Social Justice & Public Health--History, Data, and Pedagogy (Oral) |
| 3385.0 | Intimate Partner Violence: Effective Interventions (Oral) |
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Mon |
| 3393.0 | Safe Motherhood, Reproductive Health, and Newborns (Oral) |
| 3396.0 | Vitamin A and Eye Health (Oral) |
| 3397.0 | Infant & Child Health: Fetal alcohol syndrome surveillance (Oral) |
| 3402.0 | Social and Political Aspects of Health (Oral) |
Tuesday, November 18, 2003 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue |
| 4014.0 | Utilization and Prevalence of Alternative Therapies (Oral) |
| 4022.0 | Impact of and Responses to Violence among Refugees and Immigrants (Oral) |
| 4029.0 | Community-Based Public Health: Round Tables for Better Research and Practice (Roundtable) |
| 4034.0 | A Tool for Practicing Epidemiology in Public Health Setting: DDT Diabetes Indicators Resource Tool (Oral) |
| 4036.0 | Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Session II (Oral) |
| 4040.0 | The Environment and Aging: Developing EPA�s National Agenda (Oral) |
| 4048.0 | Issues in the Poorest Countries (Oral) |
| 4050.0 | Reproductive Health (Oral) |
| 4070.0 | Violence and Its Impact on Health: An International Public Health Problem (Oral) |
| 4085.0 | Teaching Activism for Public Health (Oral) |
| 4088.0 | Speaking Truth to Power: Feminist Health Organizing and Advocacy in a Conservative Era (Oral) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue |
| 4107.0 | Introduction to and Considerations in Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CAM) (Poster) |
| 4108.0 | Effects of Social Determinants on Native Health (Oral) |
| 4113.0 | The Impact of Health Policies and the Organization of Health Services on the Health of API Populations (Oral) |
| 4123.0 | Innovative Applications of Community-Based Research (Oral) |
| 4131.0 | Increases in High-Risk Behaviors and Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States (Oral) |
| 4132.0 | Bioterrorism and Epidemiology: Questions, Methods and Outcomes (Oral) |
| 4149.0 | Long-Term Perspectives on Community-Based Health Care (Oral) |
| 4150.0 | Latinos, Chronic Diseases and the Environment (Poster) |
| 4151.0 | The Border and Binational Communities (Poster) |
| 4157.0 | Poverty Does Matter - The Social Determinants of Health (Medical Care Section Solicited Session #2) (Oral) |
| 4161.0 | Structural Violence and The Culture of Fear (Oral) |
| 4171.0 | The Politics of Food: The American Diet and Food Safety (Oral) |
| 4172.0 | Social Justice & Public Health: Student Posters (Poster) |
| 4176.0 | Sex Workers: Voluntary and Forced (Oral) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue |
| 4186.0 | The Documentation, Measurement, and Amelioration of Health Disparities Within API Populations (Oral) |
| 4197.0 | Is Scientific Research Compatible With Political, Community And Labor Activism? (Oral) |
| 4198.0 | Epidemiologic Research on Social Determinants of Prostate Cancer: The Role of GIS Methods and Spatial Statistics (Oral) |
| 4199.0 | Approaches to Population-based Assessment of Disease Prevalence (Oral) |
| 4203.0 | Preventing Falls: Saving Lives, Saving Dollars (Oral) |
| 4213.0 | Disparities and Inequalities (Oral) |
| 4214.0 | Reforming Health Sector Organization (Oral) |
| 4215.0 | HIV and Risky Behavior (Oral) |
| 4216.0 | The Social Costs of Large Retailers' (and Other Large Employers) Health Care Practices (Oral) |
| 4217.0 | Health disparities (Oral) |
| 4221.0 | Access to Health Insurance (Health Services Research Contributed Papers #2) (Oral) |
| 4237.0 | Globalization, Health and Liberation Medicine (Oral) |
| 4239.0 | Rape and Sexual Assault (Oral) |
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue |
| 4246.0 | Impacting Health Disparities (Oral) |
| 4250.0 | Asian American and Pacific Islander Children's Health (Oral) |
| 4256.0 | The WK Kellogg Community Health Scholars Program: Community-Based Research (Oral) |
| 4263.0 | Tuberculosis and Outbreaks: Poster Session (Poster) |
| 4268.0 | Diversity over the Life Course: Race, Ethnicity, and Aging (Oral) |
| 4273.0 | Bay Area Community Organizing for Health Justice (Oral) |
| 4284.0 | Adolescent Health Issues (Poster) |
| 4291.0 | Ethnic and Racial Disparities Contributed Papers: Empiric Studies (Oral) |
| 4322.0 | Follow-up of Abnormal Pap Tests (Oral) |
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Tue |
| 4327.0 | HIV Orphans and Community Responses (Oral) |
| 4328.0 | Immigrants, Refugees, and War (Oral) |
| 4329.0 | Environmental Health (Oral) |
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 |
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed |
| 5012.0 | Strategies for Reaching Refugee and Immigrant Populations (Oral) |
| 5018.0 | Community-Based Evaluation: Real-World Considerations and Applications (Oral) |
| 5025.0 | Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Poster Session 1 (Poster) |
| 5026.0 | Behavior, Lifestyle and Social Determinants of Health: Poster Session-2 (Poster) |
| 5029.0 | International/Population Aging Issues (Oral) |
| 5044.0 | The Impact of Corruption on Public Health in Developing Countries (Oral) |
| 5045.0 | Infectious Diseases (Oral) |
| 5046.0 | Lessons From World Experience (Oral) |
| 5049.0 | The Challenges of Children with Asthma (Poster) |
| 5050.0 | Violence Prevention in Families and Communities (Poster) |
| 5051.0 | Women's Health Issues (Poster) |
| 5052.0 | Child Care:Developing Systems for Health Consultation and Early Identification of Children with Challenging Behaviors (Oral) |
| 5053.0 | Interventions that Make a Difference: Innovative Programs to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes (Oral) |
| 5075.0 | Older Women's Health and Well-being (Oral) |
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed |
| 5091.0 | Participatory Assessment of Community Capacity and Social Capital: A Multi-Community, Multi-University Collaboration (Oral) |
| 5096.0 | Advances in the Molecular Epidemiology of Tuberculosis (Oral) |
| 5098.0 | Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (Oral) |
| 5111.0 | Less Burnout and Dissatisfaction: Improving the Work Environment for Nurses (Oral) |
| 5112.0 | The health determinants of immigrant communities (Oral) |
| 5114.0 | Breastfeeding: Definitions, Policies and Patterns (Oral) |
| 5115.0 | Programs to Reduce Health Disparities and Infant Mortality (Oral) |
| 5116.0 | Cuts and Bruises or Major Trauma: Impact of Federal and State Medicaid Changes on Women, Children and Youth (Oral) |
| 5119.0 | Findings from the National Healthcare Disparities Report (Medical Care Section Solicited Session #5) (Oral) |
| 5125.0 | Epidemiology of War (Oral) |
| 5137.0 | Health of Incarcerated Women (Oral) |
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed |
| 5148.0 | Community-Based Assessment: Diverse Approaches (Oral) |
| 5169.0 | Racial Disparities in Maternal and Child Health (Oral) |
| 5189.0 | Adolescent Health and Well-being (Oral) |