Session: ASPIRE: A CD ROM-Based Smoking Prevention and Cessation Curriculum for Urban Youth
4185.0: Tuesday, November 18, 2003: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
ASPIRE: A CD ROM-Based Smoking Prevention and Cessation Curriculum for Urban Youth
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organizer(s):Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH
2:30 PMSESSION ABSTRACT - ASPIRE: A CD-ROM-based smoking prevention and cessation curriculum for urban youth
Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD
2:31 PMASPIRE, project design of a CD-ROM-based smoking prevention and cessation curriculum for urban youth
Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD, Nancy G Murray, DrPH, Ross Shegog, PhD, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Carolyn Agurcia, MA
2:40 PMBarriers to public school implementation of ASPIRE, a computer-based smoking prevention and cessation program
Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Carolyn Agurcia, MA, Ross Shegog, PhD, Jennifer Griffith, BS, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD
2:50 PMProcess evaluation of ASPIRE: A CD-ROM based smoking curriculum for high school students
Ross Shegog, PhD, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Nancy G Murray, DrPH, MA, Carolyn Agurcia, MA, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD
3:00 PMSelf-reported reasons and methods for quitting smoking among primarily African-American and Hispanic teens
Nancy G Murray, DrPH, MA, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Ross Shegog, PhD, Carolyn Agurcia, MA, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD
3:10 PMDo high school students help smokers in their social environment quit?
Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Ross Shegog, PhD, Nancy G Murray, DrPH, MA, Carl de Moor, PhD
3:20 PMWithdrawn -- Exposure to Pro- and anti-tobacco messages via various media channels among adolescents in inner city high schools
Jennifer Griffith, BS, Carolyn Agurcia, MA, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Ronald Peters, MA, PhD
3:30 PM�Withdrawal symptoms� among adolescent never smokers
Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Paul Cinciripini, PhD, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Carl de Moor, PhD, Carolyn Agurcia, MA
3:40 PMRelationship between depressive symptoms and smoking status among urban adolescents
Carolyn Agurcia, MA, Paul Cinciripini, PhD, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD
3:50 PMResisting the temptation to smoke: Teen attitudes on what really helps
Susan Billipp, MA, Ross Shegog, PhD, Jennifer L. Conroy, DrPH, MPH, Steven H Kelder, PhD, MPH, Nancy G Murray, DrPH, MA, Alexander V. Prokhorov, MD, PhD
Organized by:APHA-Technology Theater
Endorsed by:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs; School Health Education and Services
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA