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American Public Health Association
133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition
December 10-14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
APHA 2005
Session: Promoting Quality in Federal, State and Local Public Health Systems
5150.0: Wednesday, December 14, 2005: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Promoting Quality in Federal, State and Local Public Health Systems
The session will describe the development and implementation of quality improvement efforts at the federal, state and local level, challenges presented in pursuing these activities across varying levels of public health systems and lessons learned to help attendees guide their future efforts in this area.
Learning Objectives: As a result of this session, the attendee should be able to: Analyze trends affecting the nation�s public health and health care systems that are increasingly focused on the implementation and reimbursement of quality improvement in healthcare delivery and public health activities. Identify quality improvement efforts in selected federal, state and local public health systems. Analyze characteristics of federal, state and local public health programs that provide support for the development and implementation of quality measurement and improvement systems. Recognize challenges presented to creating uniform quality measurement systems across federal, state and local public health programs. Analyze the potential value of the impact of uniform quality measurement and improvement across federal, state and local public health programs.
Organizer(s):Sam Shekar, MD, MPH
Moderator(s):Sam Shekar, MD, MPH
2:30 PMPromoting Quality in HRSA programs
Sam Shekar, MD, MPH
2:50 PMPromoting quality: The role of local public health agencies
Pat Libbey
3:10 PMPromoting quality: The role of state public health agencies
Brent M. Ewig, MHS
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Community Health Planning and Policy Development
Endorsed by:APHA-Committee on Women's Rights; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition (December 10-14, 2005) of APHA