3027.0 Cancer Epidemiology Session 1

Monday, November 5, 2007: 8:30 AM
This informative session about cancer epidemiology will highlight the potential impact of changes in US Census ethnicity enumeration, temporal trends, birth and period effects and regional and socio-demographic variation on cancer rates. Presentations will also cover methods to analyze cancer incidence and the development of a cancer epidemiology curriculum.
Session Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant (learner) will be able to: 1) Summarize the impact of change in Census enumeration practice on calculation of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic cancer rates over time; 2) Identify temporal changes in delay-adjusted cancer incidence associated with age, period, and cohort effects; 3) Identify geographic and demographic variations in childhood cancer incidence and mortality death rates; 4) Understand methods of county-level analyses using cancer incidence statistics; and 5) Learn tools to create a new curriculum for cancer epidemiology in special populations.
Resa Jones, MPH, PhD

8:35 AM
Enumerating Ethnicity in the U.S. Census: It's Consequence for Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Cancer Rates
Laurie M. DeChello, MPH, David I. Gregorio, PhD and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, PhD
8:50 AM
9:05 AM
Childhood cancer incidence and mortality— United States, 2001–2003
Jun Li, MD PhD MPH, Sherri Stewart, PhD, Jackie Miller, MD, Loria Pollack, MD MPH and Trevor Thompson, BS
9:20 AM
Colon Cancer in Pennsylvania: Predictors of County-Level Incidence and Geographic Clustering
Robin Taylor Wilson, MA, PhD, Yihai Liu, PhD, Erik Lehman, MS and Eugene J. Lengerich, VMD, MS

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Epidemiology

CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

See more of: Epidemiology