5145.0 Partnerships and Coalitions to Improve Student Health

Wednesday, November 7, 2007: 12:30 PM
Partnerships and coalitions in school health are forged for promoting the health and well-being of students and communities and expanding disaster preparedness programs for school nurses. This session will focus on the ways and means through which collaborative projects are developed through non-profit organizations, voluntary, public health and government agencies, and academic institutions to achieve healthful outcomes for the public good.
Session Objectives: Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to (1) Describe the health education program and services provided by the “Office of School Health Programs” (OSHP) in New York City; (2) Discuss the collaboration among community agencies to improve communication for better management of children with asthma in the schools; (3) Identify the components of the “Health Mpowers” program in Atlanta to disseminate health education in the elementary and middle schools; (4) Discuss the results of the “Health information Improvement Project” (HIIP) done to assess the health needs of Urban Mid-Western elementary students; and (5) Describe the University of Pittsburgh’s “Center for Public Health Preparedness” (UPCPHP) model for training school nurses in disaster preparedness.
Daniel D. Adame, PhD, CHES

12:30 PM
Expanding disaster preparedness training for school nurses to a comprehensive school preparedness program
Stefanie P. Junker, MPH, Molly Eggleston, MPH, CHES, Beth Anne Bahn, RN, MSN, CSN, Marian Smithey, RN, BSN, MS,NCSN and Margaret A. Modro, MS, CPS, CCR
12:45 PM
Fostering an academic-school district partnership to improve school health information, planning and decision-making
Loren W. Galvao, MD, MPH, Jessica P. Bergstrom, MPH, M. Kathleen Murphy, RN, MSN, APRN-BC, Elizabeth Fayram, PhD, Sally Lundeen, Phd RN, Paula Lucey, MS RN and Ron A. Cisler, PhD
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
Collaboration to improve the outcomes of children with asthma: A school district leadership model
Kelly A. Beckwith, MPH, CHES, Brenda Z. Greene, Sharon Adams-Taylor, MA, MPH and Rebecca Nelson, MS

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: School Health Education and Services

CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing