5162.0 Environmental Risk Reduction in the Home and Childcare Setting

Wednesday, November 7, 2007: 2:30 PM
Presenters in this session will describe programs designed to identify and reduce environmental hazards that may be present in childcare facilities and homes where children spend their days. The programs have addressed needs for training child care providers, administrators, teachers, and parents about environmental hazards and arming them with strategies for protecting children�s health. These programs target knowledge and practices for indoor air toxins, addressing pest problems including integrated pest management, lead, asthma triggers, food safety, as well as fire and carbon monoxide hazards and various methods for �greening� both indoors and around buildings or homes. The results of program evaluations will be summarized and recommendations for policies to promote the health of children in childcare settings will be presented.
Session Objectives: 1. List the important environmental hazards that may exist in childcare facilities and home daycare settings. 2. Describe educational strategies to increase the awareness of child care providers, administrators, teachers, and parents concerning environmental risks present in childcare facilities and home daycare settings. 3. Articulate approaches to addressing environmental risks present in childcare facilities and home daycare settings. 4. Understand the role of policy setting in promoting the health of children in daycare.

2:45 PM
Environmental health and childcare: Examining practices and improving the environment
Julie Becker, PhD, MPH, Susan DiGiorgio-Poll, AAS, BS, MSEd, Jennifer H. Lofland, PharmD, MPH, PhD, Kathleen Kennedy, PhD, RN and Teresa Mendez-Quigley, MSW, LSW
3:00 PM
A comprehensive assessment of children's health and indoor air quality in child care settings
Margot Brown, ScD, Brenda Foos, MEM, Carrie Knowlton, MPH, MS and Julia Gray, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Environment
Endorsed by: Maternal and Child Health, APHA-Committee on Women's Rights

CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

See more of: Environment