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![]() 4301.0 Providing Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to MenTuesday, October 28, 2008: 2:30 PM
Although a necessary element of the reproductive health equation, men are often left out of sexual and reproductive health services. This session will explore different approaches to providing sexual and reproductive health services to men. The first panelist describes how rural government health centers in Bangladesh are female-focused and do not cater to the health needs of men. Preliminary findings from a study testing targeted interventions to increase utilization of health services by males will be presented. The next presentation will examine California’s family planning program, Family PACT, which provides family planning services to low-income men through a diverse provider network. The third presenter looks at men’s preferences regarding testing, notification and treatment for sexually transmitted infections in a community clinic in Upper Manhattan. Implications for tailoring services, including the use of patient-delivered partner therapy, will be discussed. The last panelist discusses the absence of men in Peru from sexual and reproductive health services and programs. Cultural norms such as “machismo” make it difficult to promote preventive behaviors and health care-seeking among men. The presentation will discuss the lessons learned from a three-year initiative to involve men in programs.
Session Objectives: 1) Learn how community can be involved in effective health education and awareness raising activities and in planning and monitoring services
2) Identify factors that do not influence retention among men for family planning services
3) Recognize the importance of male involvement in STI prevention in community settings
4) Identify different strategies for involving men in their own sexual and reproductive health
Paul G. Whittaker, PhD
2:30 PM
3:10 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health
CE Credits: CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing
See more of: Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health