3383.0 Mental Health Section Posters II

Monday, October 27, 2008: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Assessing barriers and motivators for Hispanics to seek mental health services and treatment: A mixed method approach
Suzanne R. Hawley, PhD, MPH, Jill Roser, MPH, Lanis J. Houser, MSW, LSCSW, Lougene Marsh, MPA, Angelia M. Paschal, PhD, MEd and Theresa St. Romain, MA
Board 2
Board 3
Board 4
Borders of influence: Exploring family dynamics of midlife suicidal behavior in an urban African-American cohort
Desirae Vasquez, MHS Candidate, Hee-Soon Juon, PhD and Margaret E. Ensminger, PhD
Board 5
Crazy or not? Latino adolescents' and adults' mental health knowledge and cultural beliefs
Carolyn García, PhD, MPH, RN, Lauren Gilchrist, BA, Amy K. Leite, MPH, Rachel Hardeman, MPH, Carol Skay, PhD and Nancy C. Raymond, MD
Board 6
Protective Factors Against Depression in Immigrant Muslim Youth
M. Taqi Tirmazi, PhD and Harolyn Belcher, MD
Board 7
Improving public behavioral health access for minority populations in the Southwest using a combined integrated care and promotora model
Eva Shaw, MPH, Norma Garcia-Torres, MPA, Thomas Kirsch-Rojas, MC, LPC and Adriana Jenkins, JD
Board 8
Cultural stressors, support, and psychopathology among Mexican American adolescents: A prospective mediated moderation model
Rajni L. Nair, MS, Mark Roosa, PhD, Rebecca M. B. White, MPH, Katharine Zeiders, George Knight, PhD, Nancy Gonzales, PhD and Delia Saenz, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Mental Health

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