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![]() 3428.0 Update on Health Services Research: Introduction to Medicare Part D Data for ResearchMonday, November 9, 2009: 4:30 PM
Part D of the Medicare program began new coverage for prescription drugs in 2006. While all Medicare beneficiaries have not enrolled to receive Part D benefits, approximately 25 million have. Claims for prescription drugs are submitted by pharmacies to the Part D health plans for beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part D. This information is transmitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and administrative data files called Prescription Drug Event (PDE) data
files are created. These files are now available to researchers as “research identifiable files”.
We will present important information on the topics facing researchers who wish to use these data files. The seminar will include:
1. a description of the Part D benefit
2. a description of the Part D data files and the data elements
3. a description of demographic and other patient information on the beneficiaries enrolled in Part D in 2006 and 2007.
4. a presentation of program statistics for 2006 and 2007
5. a presentation of the steps that need to be taken by researchers to have access to Part D data.
6. a discussion of possible enhancements to the existing files including suggestions from the audience.
Session Objectives: 1. Describe the Medicare Part D data files available to researchers.
2. Explain how these files are linked to other CMS files such as Medicare Part A and B files.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the types of research possible with the newly available date.
Katherine Virgo, PhD, MBA
5:20 PM
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