4333.0 Making Social Determinants Visible and Implementing Policy to Address Them

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 2:30 PM
While the importance of several social determinants of health has been illuminated the examination of various other types of social determinants is expanding. New ways to make these social determinants more visible are being developed, and new types of policies are being implemented to address them. This session will show the influence of the corporations, as social determinants of health, on foundation funding and health policy, illustrate a web-based tool to display the influence of social determinants on health, and show the relationship between community social networks and social determinants of health. This session will raise the awareness of health educators about the influence of newly studied types of social determinants on health, provide ideas for methods to communicate those influences to the public and policy makers, and identify policy strategies to address them.
Session Objectives: By the end of this session participants should be able to: 1. Use a web tool that shows the relationship between mortality, income and education 2. Describe the interlocking relationships between philanthropic foundations and for-profit corporations 3. Describe the role women’s social network groups can play in addressing income inequality 4. Identify several tactics corporations use in opposing health promoting food policy
William Wiist, DHSc, MPH

2:30 PM
How much does it matter? Developing a tool to help the public quantify the importance of social determinants of health
Steven Woolf, MD, Amber Haley, MPH, Robert Johnson, PhD, Chunfeng Ren, MPH and Alex Field
3:10 PM
Fast Food's Interference in Food Policy: A Case Study
Kelle Louaillier, Executive Director and Juliana Shulman

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion
Endorsed by: Socialist Caucus

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)