4357.0 Promotion of Physical Activity among Adults

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Engineering social networks to support walking: Feasibility evaluation
Liza Rovniak, PhD, MPH, Elizabeth Kiser, BS, Jennifer Kraschnewski, MD, MPH, Christopher Sciamanna, MD, MPH, Paul Haidet, MD, MPH, Melbourne F. Hovell, PhD, MPH and James F. Sallis, PhD
Board 2
Gender differences in the association between body weight-perception and leisure time physical activity among Colombian adults
Juan Sebastian infante Martinez, Tatiana Garcia, Barbara Gomez, Marcela Dominguez, Diana Espinel, Ximena Duran, Ana M. Garcia, Yazmin Cadena, MD IMPH and Luis F. Gomez, MD MPH
Board 4
Board 5
Adults want to feel better and youth want to get fit? An elicitation study of walking
Chia-ling Hung, MPE, Juddy Wachira, MPH, Susan E. Middlestadt, PhD, Laurel Dolin Stevenson, PhD, MPH and Janet P. Wallace, PhD
Board 8
Association between leisure-time physical activity and hypertension among adults from the 26 state capitals and Federal District of Brazil (VIGITEL, 2008)
Lilian Perez, MPH, BA, Eduardo J. Simoes, MD, MSc, MPH, Lenildo de Moura, Deborah Malta and Michael Pratt, MD, MPH
Board 9
Does physical activity spatially cluster? Preliminary findings from an analysis of older women living in three states
Kosuke Tamura, MS, MA, Robin Puett, PhD, Heather Whitcomb, MA, Jaime Hart, ScD, Francine Laden, ScD and Philip J. Troped, PhD, MS
Board 10
Association between perceived university environment and physical activity in college students
Stephanie Goodwin, PhD, RD, Kathryn W. Hosig, PhD, MPH, RD, Elena Serrano, PhD, Kerry Redican, MPH, PhD CHES, Aaron Schroeder, PhD, Wen You, PhD and Eileen S. Anderson, EdD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Physical Activity
Endorsed by: Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health, Community Health Planning and Policy Development

See more of: Physical Activity