APHA Meetings: Online Program |
Analysis of Programs and Policies for the Promotion of Physical Activity in Youth
Monday, October 31, 2011: 2:30 PM
Board 3
VERB Summer Scorecard: Increasing Physical Activity Among Female Adolescents
Moya Alfonso, MSPH, PhD, Zachary Thompson, Jenna Davis, MPH, Carol A. Bryant, PhD, Anita Courtney, MS, RD, Jeff A. Jones, PhD and Robert J. McDermott, PhD
Board 4
Walk this way! A success story of �Safe Routes to School� program implementation in Atlanta, Georgia
Susan Henderson, MD, MPH, Robin Tanner, RD, Norma Klanderman, Abby Mattera, Lindsey Webb, MPH and John Steward, MPH
Board 8
Los Angeles Unified School District Physical Education Policy: Assessment, Implementation & Impact
Mariah Lafleur, MPH, Sarah Samuels, DrPH, Robert Garcia, JD, Brian Cole, DrPH, Sally Bullock, MPH and Seth Strongin, MS
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Physical Activity
Endorsed by: Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health, Community Health Planning and Policy Development