4363.0 Teacher preparation and training

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 4:30 PM
Christopher Ledingham, PhD MPH CHES

Board 1
Development of an Instrument to Assess Advocacy Intentions for School Health Education
Beth Chaney, PhD, MCHES, Michele Wallen, MPH, PhD and David Birch, PhD
Board 3
Health and Social Inhibitory Factors to Academic Achievement – A survey of school principals
Eileen O'Keefe, MD, MPH, Emma Kirkpatrick, Meredith Weiner, Nancy Carpenter, MPH and Antonia Blinn
Board 4
Needs, Barriers, and Challenges in Tobacco Prevention and Intervention Teacher Training Program among School Districts in Florida
Chung-Bang Weng, MSCS, MA, W. William Chen, PhD, CHES, Jiunn-Jye Sheu, PhD, MSPH, CHES and Bernadette Guzman, BS
Board 5
Autism Education: An Analysis of Methods Currently used in Vermont Schools
Peymaun Vakhshoorzadeh, Mena Bakhit, Jessica Clem, Mayo Fujii, Taylor Lincoln, Ariana Nesbit, Amanda Schwartz, Meghan Steir, Deb W. Lyons, Stephen Contompasis, MD, Thomas V. Delaney, PhD and Jan K. Carney, MD MPH
Board 6
Engaging Teachers to Improve the School Health Environment
Anastasia Snelling, PhD, RD and Jennifer Ernst, MA
Board 9
Partners for Healthy Active Lifestyles in Schools and Communities
Helen Brown, RD, MPH, Grace Goc Karp, PhD, Deanna Gilmore, PhD, Sachin Jain, PhD, , NCC, LPC, Kathy Canfield-Davis, PhD and Philip Scruggs, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: School Health Education and Services
Endorsed by: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs