NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health
6300 State University Drive, Suite 125
Long Beach, CA
USA 90815
3202.0 Latino Nutrition, Health and Chronic Disease Prevention: Institutionalizing Latino-specific cultural competency through university-based curriculum development
3345.0 Hablando Claro: Utilizing familismo to create HIV prevention dialogue among Latina intergenerational dyads
3400.0 Evaluation results of a promotores de salud approach to prevent obesity among Latinos
4065.0 Reaching Out to Elderly Latinos Living with Diabetes: A Self-Management Program
4406.0 Promoting healthy lifestyles through digital media skill-building: The Youth Empowerment for Success YES! Sí Se Puede project
4406.0 Sanos y Fuertes (Healthy and Strong) Childhood Obesity Prevention through Culturally Relevant Curriculum Development and Health Education with Latino Families
5102.0 Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: A promotoras-led culturally competent and linguistically appropriate cervical cancer prevention project for Latina women in the United States