Determinants of Food Insecurity among Youth Headed Households in Malawi. An Agricultural Policy Perspective

Introduction:Malawi has implemented the Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) since the 2005/06 growing season which has been held as a tremendous success. However, large proportions (47%) of children are malnourished and 11 per cent of the population were facing severe food shortages in January 2013. Youths form more than half of the population of Malawi and could play an important role in ensuring food security for future generations. However, there are no studies on the extent of food insecurity or its predictors among youths in most developing countries including Malawi.
Methods:Using a 2011 nationally representative sample (Welfare Monitoring Survey) this paper investigates what factors determine household food insecurity among youth headed households in Malawi. A multinomial regression analysis is employed on three food security scores and independent variables of agricultural production.
Results: The results indicate that there are significant differences between youth headed households and the rest of the households. Not only receipt of fertilizer subsidy but its application, staple food production, land ownership, and source of income are the significant predictors of food insecurity (p-value<0.05).
Discussion:Providing sufficient agricultural productive means and extension services to youths in agriculture is a potentially pathway in improving food security and nutrition at household level. Furthermore, interventions should be guided by effective nutrition sensitive agricultural evidence based policies and programs.
Keywords: Youths, food security, poverty, fertiliser subsidy
Learning Areas:
Assessment of individual and community needs for health educationLearning Objectives:
Explain which factors are crucial in reducing household food insecurity in youth headed households in Malawi
Keyword(s): Food Security, Youth
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a PhD student focusing on food security and women empowerment from an agricultural policy perspective. Among my recent special interests are youths, who are the future potential food producers, but are neglected in many interventions and policy contexts.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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