Social media stages of change – why moving to “action” is right for public health

The proposed presentation will provide specific tactics to extend an organization’s social media reach by citing successful examples of strategies currently employed by Danya International, in support of our clients, to further public health priorities. Participants will learn to use activities like Twitter and Facebook chats, interviews, and trainings to engage current followers, increase audiences, and identify top influencers. This presentation will also provide examples of methods and tools to evaluate and determine social media success. Danya has extensive experience in managing, developing, promoting and evaluating successful social media activities. In 2013, Danya conducted 61 social media chats, interviews, and trainings for our public health partners.
After the presentation, armed with evidence based strategies and best practices from other public health organizations, audiences will be able to develop a plan to conduct, promote, and evaluate social media engagement to reach target audiences.
Learning Areas:
Communication and informaticsPublic health or related education
Learning Objectives:
Identify audiences through social media outreach research
Demonstrate increased engagement in trainings using Twitter and other social media channels
Design cross-channel promotional Strategy
Identify content marketing principles for public health campaigns
Evaluate audience level of engagement using hashtags and other tools
Keyword(s): Social Media, Health Promotion and Education
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the Sr. Director for Danya’s National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) contract with CDC. NPIN serves as a critical hub for CDC’s National Center for HIV, viral hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention information dissemination and health promotion. I have more than 20 years of public health and social service experience, including 17 years as a senior level manager, and have done extensive work in the areas content marketing, social media, and digital marketing.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.