An online alternative to measuring food environments

Methods: Using online storefront images, supermarket websites, and local knowledge in conjunction with a database of food retail establishments, we identified and categorized food stores in New York City neighborhoods with the lowest reported levels of fruit and vegetable consumption. We compared our classification to a list based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (UDSA) food desert measure (using solely secondary data sources). We determined spatial heterogeneity in the error using spatial statistical methods.
Results: Compared to USDA criteria, our method identified more supermarkets (466 vs 55), grocery stores (302 vs 239), and convenience stores (1570 vs 1097), and fewer fruit/vegetable specialty stores (225 vs 292). The secondary source overcounted the presence of food stores by 13% (found to be duplicates, non-food stores, wholesalers, or invalid/residential addresses). We anticipate that data quality will vary significantly by neighborhood due to the level of miscounting and the concentration of particular categories (e.g. wholesalers) in particular areas.
Discussion: Secondary data sources provide variably inaccurate information about food environments. Availing of online maps and images to identify food stores may become a cost-effective approach for researchers and policymakers.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related public policyPublic health or related research
Learning Objectives:
Discuss better ways to validate secondary sources of built environment data on food resources.
Keyword(s): Methodology, Built Environment
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the principal investigator of this project and have reviewed many prior studies on food environments and food environment measures. My scientific interests include the evaluation of public health policies and the prevention of chronic diseases through public policy, including measurement and modification of the built environment.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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