Online posts of men who buy sex with women: A mixed methods analysis of the USA Sex Guide

The internet plays an integral role in sex trafficking that has yet to be fully examined or understood. Three out of 4 victims are trafficked online. In a Chicago study with men who buy sex, over 1/3 reported using the internet to buy sex. In addition, the USA Sex Guide, a large free website used to educate men on how to buy sex with women, serves as a training ground. Over 800 men visit the USA Sex Guide at any given moment. The anonymity that is provided by the internet allows men to read and post explicit descriptions of sexual exploitation and violence without fear of repercussions.
Until recently, men who buy sex with women have remained invisible to researchers, policy makers, and law enforcement. The purpose of this research study is to focus on the attitudes/demand that perpetuates prostitution. A mixed methods analysis of the postings of Illinois men who frequent the USA Sex Guide will be studied for attitudes and thoughts about youth; awareness of vulnerability, and behavior towards females. In this presentation, the study methodology and findings will be presented.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchSocial and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Describe how the internet facilitates the commercial sexual exploitation of young women.
Identify attitudes, choices, and behaviors of men who use the USA Sex Guide.
Keyword(s): Sex Workers, Internet
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have worked as a psychiatric-mental health nurse for over 14 years, with almost 10 years as an advanced practice nurse. I have experience in a variety of settings including inpatient psychiatry, school-based health, and juvenile justice. I am an instructor at Rush University, currently pursuing my PhD, and a SAMHSA minority fellow. My research interests include the commercial sexual exploitation of children and mixed methods research.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.