Let us count the ways: How CBPR leads to more rigorous research

This presentation shares process and results from two CBPR food system projects to illustrate myriad ways that the place-based and larger community-based experience and wisdom of community partners contributes to and is often necessary for not only research ethics and relevance, but also for rigor. The Food Dignity action research collaboration of 5 community and 3 academic organizations aims to identify, enable, document and assess community-driven solutions to building sustainable and just food systems. Three of those 8 partners later also convened with additional partners in Wind River Indian Reservation to design a pilot project for a randomized controlled trial on the health impacts of home gardens. This presentation illustrates the many different ways our efforts to build equitable research collaborations have also led to more rigor in our research design and outcomes, in methods ranging from narrative inquiry in case studies to surveys in randomized controlled trials. Our work shows how CPBR is more “right” in both senses of the word.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchLearning Objectives:
Describe the discourse in the literature about “rigor” and CBPR.
Identify ways rigorous approaches to equitable research collaboration also lead to more rigorous science.
Keyword(s): Community-Based Partnership & Collaboration, Research
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the PI/PD for both Food Dignity and the Growing Resilience pilot
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.