142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition

Annual Meeting Recordings are now available for purchase

Promising Interventions using Social Media (organized by HCWG)

142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 15 - November 19, 2014): http://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annual
Tuesday, November 18, 2014: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
The purpose of this session is to understand the impact of social media education and outreach to reach population health issues. The audience will be able to identify key findings to improve health promotion efforts using new media tools and created best practices. Audience members will also receive a greater understanding of how to combine social media tools with traditional outreach methods for the improvement of health outcomes.
Session Objectives: Describe key communications channels for campaigns and social media messaging to improve health outcomes. Compare varying social media strategies used to reach certain audiences for reduction in poor health outcomes.
Roberta Hollander, PhD, MPH

Reducing young adult tobacco use in California, Nevada and New Mexico; A promising new model
Jeffrey W. Jordan, MA, Mayo Djakaria, MPH and Pamela Ling, MD, MPH
FactNotFiction.com: Harnessing social media for comprehensive sex education outreach to Mississippi youth
Kathleen Ragsdale, PhD, Laura R. Walton, PhD, APR, Sydney K. Harper, MS, CHES, Jamie H. Bardwell, MPP and Carol B. Penick, BA

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion
Endorsed by: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs