“What Works” in Mental Health Prevention and Early Intervention: California's Comprehensive Effort to Improve Student Mental Health, Prevent Suicides, and Reduce the Stigma of Mental Illness
“What Works” in Mental Health Prevention and Early Intervention: California's Comprehensive Effort to Improve Student Mental Health, Prevent Suicides, and Reduce the Stigma of Mental Illness

Monday, November 17, 2014: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
This session provides an overview of California's historic effort to reduce mental illness stigma, prevent suicide, and improve student mental health across diverse age, cultural and ethnic groups. Passed by voters in 2004, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA; formerly Proposition 63) dedicated $160 million over a three-year period to transform California’s mental health care from a fail-first to a help-first system. Presenters will describe the statewide framework and strategies, program resources available to communities for use and replication at no or minimal cost, and short term outcome results from the RAND Corporation’s independent evaluation.
•Wayne Clark will describe the evidence-based prevention and early intervention transformational framework.
•Program leads in each area (stigma and discrimination reduction, suicide prevention and student mental health) will describe resources developed from the initiative that are available. Examples include but are not limited to: social marketing campaign materials developed for cultural and ethnic communities, suicide prevention safety planning smartphone app, online registries of best practices in stigma reduction and student mental health.
•RAND Corporation will present outcomes from the third year of implementation.
Session Objectives: Discuss the development and implementation framework for this comprehensive prevention and early intervention initiative.
Identify and describe tools and resources that support local mental health prevention and early intervention campaigns and are available to communities free of charge.
Describe how mental health prevention and early intervention initiatives have produced short-term outcomes.
Wayne Clark, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Mental Health
Endorsed by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, Public Health Nursing, Public Health Social Work
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)
See more of: Mental Health